Chapter 13 - Sports Festival Part 3

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She could clearly see her on name on the big screen, that was really frightening, if her parents see this... she would have to go back to under their wing... to that cold house and colder arms... after all this little time, it has been just a few months, but it was so good being free, making friends, finally having a family that would welcome you no matter what. It was like she was always under a huge cloud that would only give cold rain and colder snow, and that cloud finally went away, now she could feel the sun warming her skin.

She REALLY didn't want to go back to that, but now that her name is out there... maybe Keigo won't want her, no longer want to have a little sister.

The fear of being rejected by Keigo and the terror of going back to back pains and maybe chains this time around... Y/n no longer wanted to be a caged bird, the girl wanted to be free like her big brother, she wanted to be with him flying in the sky.

"Y/N!" Hitoshi screamed as he shook her waking her from her on mind.

"Toshi?" she blinked rapidly and looked around, then at him.

"You zoomed out, do you even know what we are supposed to do?" he flicked her forehead.

"Ouch! D-did they already announced the next one??!" Y/n rubbed her forehead gently.

"Yes birdbrain, we need to make teams, do you want to make part of mine?" he tilted his head putting his hands back into his pockets.

The h/c haired girl looked around and saw some interesting teams around, the half n half boy, was with the creator, a guy that has electricity and the running boy.

She was lucky that Kirishima and Tokoyami had told her about their hole class, now it was easy to make a plan.

"I think I'm going to try this one with another group of people, see you in the next phase toshi-kun!" she gave him a quickly hug and went running off.

"Good luck!" Shinso screaming to her and looked around going to the ones that were alone.


Looking around she saw the BomBom boy and his team, there was Kiri, tape guy and the acid girl.

The Broccoli boy was alone with another girl and Tokoyami, how made eye contact with her and waved for her to come to him.

Y/n got closer to them and hugged Tokoyami. "Sorry for not talking to you all this time! I was busy training and didn't want to be a bother to you!

Tokoyami chuckled and hugged her back "Don't worry, I understand" they parted the hug, and she looked at Broccoli boy.

"Oh! You are the one that got the 10,000,00 points!"

"Yes! A-and you helped me back there! Thank you!" he bowed.

"How do you know each other?" the brown haired girl asked.

"That is a story for another time, we got a competition to win!" Y/n looked at all them "My name is Takami Y/n, my quirk is Mood Wings, but I can also control my feathers besides then changing colors" a few feathers come from under her shirt and go to the face of each of them tickling their cheeks.

"Oh! I'm Uraraka Ochako and this is Midoriya Izuku, I can make things zero gravity and Izuku is super strong, but the side effect of his quirk is that he will break his bones..." Uraraka extended her hand to Y/n that gave her a high5 in return.

"We can do it and I know now why you were so familiar to me before Midoriya-kun! We meet in the first day of school!"

He looked at her kind of puzzled but realized who she was "YES! I remember you now! I didn't recognize you because of your missing wings!"

She nodded "Okay, now... what is the plan?"

"I can't see your wings but... can you fly?"

"I was hiding them for the final battle but... okay! I can use them now if we need it" she was about to take of the gadget but Midoriya stopped her.

"Can you take it off last minute? You can jump really high can't you?" she stopped trying to take it off and got what he was trying to do.

"Yes I can" she nodded, and they formed their plan.



Tokoyami was on the front, on her left was Uraraka and on her right was Izuku.

"Let's do our best!" Y/n shouted as she tied the 10,000,00 points on her head.



Yoh! Little shorter than I wanted but the next one will be a big one, sorry about that. Hope you have enjoyed, next chapter will have big things happening.

760 words

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