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'Here we are Quinnie.' Judy Fabray announce with a grin as their car pulled up to 122 Dudley Road, Lima, Ohio.

The blonde sighed deeply, and lifted her eye up from her book. 'How exciting.' She remarked with an eye roll

'This is it Quinn.' Judy smiled, putting her hand on the blondes arm. 'No more moving, this is our home now.'

'I've only heard that about a dozen times.' Quinn stated. Her mom opened her mouth to speak but the blonde cut her off. 'Don't worry Mom, I won't hold my breath.'

'Quinnie, can you at least pretend to be optimistic?'

She sighed, she knew how hard her Mom worked to keep her safe. She forced a smile onto her face and turned to her Mom. 'This is it!'

Judy smiled. 'That's my girl.'

Quinn reluctantly got out of the car and put her sunglasses on. She walked around to the truck of the car and pulled out her suitcase.
She looked around the neighbourhood. It was nice. There were nice houses, with big front yards. On the outside it seemed like a nice place to live, but Quinn had lived in a dozen of towns like this. They're all the same.

She was used to this routine. New house, new school, new people. It had been her routine ever since she was 8, nearly ten years. She learned how to not get attached to people or places. She didn't make friends, or join clubs. She went to school and then went home. That was her life.


She was settled into her new bedroom. It was painted pastel pink, it was clear that it was a kids bedroom previously. She's sat at her window seat and continuing to read her book when there was a knock on the door.

'Hey, How are you settling in?' Her Mom asked carefully.

'Fine.' She smiled forcefully.

Her Mom smiled. It was filled with pity. She walked deeper into the room. 'Quinn I promise, we're not moving again. Lima, Ohio is your home now. At least until you move to New Haven for college.'

'Believe me, I'm counting down the days.' Quinn replied.

Judy smiled. 'I was thinking we could just order something for dinner.'

'Sounds good.' She smiled turning the page of her book.

'You haven't unpacked.' Judy pointed out. The suitcase was in the corner of the bedroom.

'Nope.' Quinn replied, not looking up. 'I've decided not to do that anymore.'


'Mom. We don't have to pretend that it will be different this time. We'll be moving across the country again in a couple months. I'm used to it.'

'I'm sorry this has to happen.'  Judy said with a frown.

'Mom, it's fine.' She insisted. 'Do you need help unpacking the kitchen stuff?'

Judy nodded. 'Let's do it, and then we'll eat.'

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