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No, no, no! This was not happening. He wasn't here, this wasn't real. It had to be some sort of sick and twisted nightmare. She felt as her heart began to boom in her chest and the sound echoed loudly in her ears. She felt as it became harder and harder to breathe and she felt herself have to gasp for air.

She slowly turned around to see if he was actually there. Her heart beats in anticipation and dread as she opens her eyes to look at him. He was actually here. It wasn't a nightmare. She stood there in fear as she looked at the boy who ruined her life. 'J-Jesse?'

'Did you miss me?' He asked. A sick sadistic smile played on his lips. She wanted to scream, to run away but her feet were stuck to the floor. She couldn't move. She was helpless.

'How did you find me?' Her voice is shaky and low.

'Please. You've never been good at hiding.' He scoffed as he slowly got closer to her. 'Did you really think that just because you changed your number that I would just give up on you, give up on us?'

His words make her skin crawl. 'You need to leave.' She said in a sad attempt to sound strong. 'My friends and people who care about me are downstairs.'

'Your friends?" He laughs once more. It makes her breathing hitch and She backs away closer to the wall. 'They're not your friends. They don't care about you. It's only a matter of time before they realise who you are. The only person who cares about you is me.'

'This time is different.'

'You're delusional.' He walks closer and She tries to take a step back but bumps into the wall. She holds her breath as he walks passed her to get to her desk, he picks up the photo frame and points to Puck.

'Who's this? You're new boyfriend.' He says through gritted teeth. His jaw is clenched and his hands are balled into a fist. She knows that look all to well.

'He's just a friend.' She replied, swallowing the ball in her throat.

'Good.' He grins putting the photo back on the desk. He walks back over to the blonde. Their faces are mere inches apart. 'Because you're mine.' He whispers making a shiver run down Quinn's spine, she feels helpless. She looks at the ground and tries not to cry. Her whole body is shaking. He lifts up her chin and makes them make eye contact. 'And Now that I've found you, I am never letting you go.'

'Quinn come on, your missing the party!' Brittany calls out from downstairs.

'I want to get my dance on.' Santana adds.

Jesse looks at the door and then back at the blonde. 'Or I could just leave you and go for your friends. The dumb blonde and the bitchy brunette.'

'You won't touch them.' Quinn said finally finding her voice. How did he know about them? How long had he been following her.

'Quinn!' Puck's voice called out.

'Tell him that you'll be down in a minuet.' Jesse demanded, looking down on her.

She does as she told because quite frankly she is terrified of him and what he'll do.

'Good girl.' He smiles sadistically while moving a stray strand of hair that was in her face behind her ear. She holds her breath as he does this and tries to inch closer to the wall. 'Happy birthday Q.' He places a hard kiss onto the blondes cheek she clenched her eyes shut and refuses to open them until he's gone. Once she can't hear his breathing or his footsteps anymore she allows her eyes to flutter open. She rushes over to open window and slams it shut. She pauses and tries to slow her breathing and not letting any tears fall. Her cheeks are hot and her eyes are burning from keeping in the tears. The door opens and she quickly turns around wiping away the tears that reluctantly fell.

'Quinn your missing the-' Puck says but stops abruptly when he sees the girl crying. 'What's wrong?'

'N-Nothing.' She lies. She was really good at lying. 'I'm just overwhelmed.' That part wasn't a lie. Puck pulled Quinn into a warm embrace.

'You ready to go back out there?' Puck asked once they pulled away.

She took a deep breath and smile. 'Yeah.'

'Come on Q, you're friends and your family are waiting.'

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