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'Quinn, honey. The landlord just called and he wants to check that everything at the house is in order.' Judy said. 'So I'll be back in a few minuets.'

'I'll come with you.' The blonde said not particularly liking the idea of being alone with people she hardly knows.

'That's not necessary Quinnie. I'll be back soon.' Judy said and with that she was gone.

'So what's your plans after graduation? Kurt asked.

'Yale.' She replied.

'So you're like really smart.' Finn said.

'Yeah. I am.' Quinn smiled. 'When you move from school to school the only thing that you do is study.' A few minuets later the doorbell rang. 'That's probably my Mom. I'll get it.'

The blonde made her way to the door and opened it. She didn't see her mom, instead she saw a guy, around her age, maybe a bit older. He wore a lettermen jacket and he had a Mohawk. He had a smirk on his face and he looked the girl up and down. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knew that every other girl her age would go weak at the knees at the sight of him.

'Who are you?' The blonde asked.

He smirked again. 'Who are you?'

'I asked you first.' She said crossing her arms over her chest.

He opens his mouth, probably to say something incredibly obnoxious but before he can Finn joins them.

'Puckerman. It took you long enough.'

Suddenly everything connected. He was Puck. The blonde looked between the boys and could never imagine the pair being friends. Puck seemed harsh and wore a smirk on his lips while Finn was sweet and always had a goofy grin on his face.

'You're the best friend?'

'You're the neighbour?'

She nods. He smirks again. She really wants to smack the smirk off of his face.

'Quinn this is Noah Puckerman, Puck this is Quinn Fabray.'

The pair smile politely at each other and the blonde opens the door wider to let the boy in. She closes the door behind him and follows the boys back into the living room. She joins Kurt on the couch and reads the vogue magazine with him. She can feel Pucks eyes on burning into her, she doesn't dare to look up.

'Hey Finn, your neighbours kind of hot.'

Without missing a beat the blonde rolls her eyes and says. 'Hey Finn, your bestfriends kind of an asshole.'

'Easy you two.' Finn says.

'I really like you.' Kurt says to the blonde. She grins triumphantly after rendering Puck speechless.

Quinn's phone buzzed in her pocket.

I need you help filling out some paper work - Mom.

'I have to go. Thank you for inviting me.' Quinn said standing up.

'I'll walk you back to your house.' Kurt said standing up.

'Y-You don't have too.' Quinn said shaking her head.

'You are my new best friend. I'm walking you home.'

'Fine.' She smiled. 'Bye Finn, Puckerman.'

'See you around, Fabray.' Puck says shooting her a wink.

The blonde rolls her eyes and scoffs at the boy.

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