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Mentions of Sexual Assault

Quinn went home and felt awful. She knew that Puck had good intentions. He's the only guy she's ever felt safe around. The only person she feels like she can be herself around. She picks up her phone as her thumb hovers over the call the button. She's about to press it as the doorbell rings. She quickly opens the door and tries to think about what she's going to say to Puck, but every thought floats away when she sees him standing on her doorstep.

'Hi.' He said softly. He looked nervous.

'Hey.' She replied, equally as nervous.

'I'm sorry.' The pair said at the same time.

'Don't be sorry.' He said softly. 'I tried to help but it only made things worse and now you hate me.'

'I don't-I don't hate you.' She said. 'I've never had someone other than my mom really care about me before. I shouldn't take you for granted.'

'I'm really sorry.'

'Stop. You did nothing wrong.' Quinn smiled, while her eyes welled with tears.

'Hey, What's wrong?' He asked putting his hand on her shoulder.

She swallows hard as they make eye contact. She wants to tell him. Tell him about everything that happened with Jesse and why she's terrified of him. She wants to tell him so badly but what if he looks her differently? What if he doesn't believe her? She's damaged. No one would ever believe her.

'I have to tell you something.' She blurted out. This was it. She was finally going to say what she had been bottling up for nearly a year.

'You can tell me anything.'

'Not here.' She says taking a hold of his hand and leading her upstairs into her bedroom. The pair sit on the bed.

'There's a reason I'm so closed of and I find it so hard to trust people.' She begins. 'It's because one of the only person I've ever trusted-' She chokes out a sob and Puck puts his hand on hers and links their fingers.

'You don't have to tell me-'

'I-I need to.' She nodded. 'The last school I went to was Carmel High in Akron, Ohio. I met Jesse there and he was nice and charming and he made me feel wanted. We were friends for a while but then one day something switched. He started to touch me and at first I laughed it off because I thought it was innocent. Then one day, his parents were out of town and he was having a party. He got me a drink and I knew then and there that the boy I thought I knew wasn't the real him. He roofied me and then he took me to his bedroom to lie down and then he-' She had to stop because she couldn't breathe. 'He r-raped me.'

It was out in the open and the moment that she was dreading never arrived. He looked at her the exact same way. He didn't look at her in disgust, instead he put him hand over hers and gave it a comforting squeeze.

'Q-I am so sorry.'

She tries to take a few deep breaths. 'Then I told my mom that I though that my dad was going to find us so we moved here.'

'Your mom doesn't know?'

She shakes her head. 'No one. Only you.'

'I'll never let him hurt you again.' He said softly.

'You can't promise me that.'

'Yes I can.' He said

I'm good at protecting people I love.

'Thank you. For listening, and believing me.' She said softly.

'Of course I believe you.' Puck said. 'And I'd kill him with my bare hands if I could.'

'It won't change anything.'

'I wish it would.'

'So do I.'

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