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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️
Gun Violence

It been two weeks since the Quinn told Puck. He kept his word and never told a soul. The pair had grown even closer and they were always around one another. She really trusted him and he made her feel safe.

In that two weeks Jesse had also been suspended for the fight. She felt safe with him gone, only she didn't know when he was coming back.

'Rachel and I are going to the movies with Brit and Santana. Do you two wanna come?' Finn asked as the trio walked down the halls.

'No way.' Quinn replied.

'Why not?'

'Because you are going on a date. Me and Q aren't dating.' Puck replied.

'Not yet.' Finn teased.

Quinn and Puck laughed. 'Crap. I forgot my book in the locker room.' The blonde said. 'I'll meet you two back at the glee club.'

'Do you want me to come with you?' Puck asked lowly, so Finn couldn't hear him.

She smiled softly. 'He isn't here. I'll be okay.'

'Okay.' He nods and the girl walks in the opposite direction. She makes her way through the empty hall opens the locker room door. She find her book and quickly decides to fix her hair and makeup before heading back to the glee club.

A shiver roles down her spine as she feels as though she's being watched. She looked around the room and nothing was out of the ordinary. She continued to put on a fresh layer of lip gloss. Once she's finished to puts everything back into her bag and picks up her book. When she looks back up she's sees something in the reflection of the mirror. She sharply turns around and feels the air get caught in her lungs as she gasps for air.


'Hey babe. I missed you.' He said getting closer to her.

The blondes phone began to ring and Jesse snatched it out of her hand and scoffed when he saw Puck's name. 'Have you had sex with him?'

'What? No!' Quinn replied, she rolled her eyes and went to walk passed him, but he grabbed her hand and roughly pulled her back. 'Jesse. Let me go.'

'You are mine!' He growled lowly. 'Nothing will change that.' He let her go and pushed her hard, she fell onto the floor hit her head against the wall. She winced in pain and her vision went blurry for a moment. She closes her eyes and when she opened them she was horrified by what she saw.

Jesse, standing infront of her. With a gun in his hand. 'If you scream, I'll kill you.'

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