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'This is an awful idea.' Quinn tells her mom as they walk to the Hudson household.

'Quinn, be positive.' Judy encouraged her.

'I am positive that this is a bad idea.' She returns.

Judy laughs softly and rings the doorbell. 'Be nice and sweet.' She tells the blonde.

Quinn hummed in amusement. 'Like Candy.'

The door swung open and the pair were met with Carol grinning. 'Quinn, Judy. I'm so glad you made it.'

'Thank you for inviting us.' Judy smiled.

The woman invited the pair in. 'Finn, Kurt. Come meet out neighbours.' Carol called out. Two boys came down the stairs. The blonde swallowed hard when she saw the boys. She hated meeting new people. When Carol said that she had sons, Quinn's mind immediately went to thinking that they were young boys, but they're the same age as her.

One of the boys approached her. 'You're Quinn, right?' He asked with a grin. The blonde nodded slowly, unsure of what they boys angel was. 'I'm Kurt Hummel and we are official best friends.'

The blonde shifted slightly and offered a polite smile. 'Easy little bro. Lay off her.' The taller brother said. 'Hey, I'm Finn.'

'It's nice to meet you both.' Quinn said politely.

'Dinner will be ready in ten minuets.' Carol smiled.

'Crap. I completely forgot about dinner and I invited Puck over to work on our duet for glee club.' Finn said.

'That's fine honey.' Carol said. 'Judy, do you want to open a bottle of wine in the kitchen and leave the kids to get to know each other?'

'Sure.' Judy said and the moms walked into the kitchen.

'So who's Puck?' Quinn asked.

'He's my bestfriend.' Finn replied.

'He's a Neanderthal.' Kurt insisted.

Quinn hummed in amusement. Finn lead the trio into the living room and they sat on the couch.

'So Quinn, do you sing?' Kurt asked.

'Kind of.' She shrugged. 'I'm more of a dancer.'

'You should join our glee club.' Finn said. 'We got to the nationals last year.'

'I've been two over fifty school in twenty different states and I know better than anyone that the glee club is the bottom of the social food chain.' Quinn replied. 'I'll pass on your little club.'

'Our club is different.' Kurt argued. 'We're a family.'

'Cute.' Quinn smiled sarcastically. 'Still not interested.

'I'm pretty convincing.' Finn shrugged. 'I'm sure I'll be able to get you to join.'

'I'm pretty stubborn, and I know I won't.'

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