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The pair got into Pucks car and drove to the local elementary school. They were parked outside for a little over ten minuets making small talk about glee club. Then Sara came in

'Sup disappointment.' Sara said as she got into the back seat of the car.

'Sup Loser.' Puck returned.

'Who the girl?' Sara asked. 'Your new girlfriend?'

'Hi, I'm Quinn.' The blonde smiled. 'And I'm not his girlfriend.'

'Good. You could do so much better.' Sara said as a matter of fact.

The blonde laughed in response and she looked over to Puck looked like someone just kicked his puppy. 'She has a point.'

'You could never get her to go out with you.' Sara teased.

'Is that a challenge?' Puck asked raising his eyebrow.

'Shut and drive Puckerman.' Quinn laughed.


The trio get ice cream before heading back to Puck's house.

'I can't meet you mother.' Quinn said lowly to Puck as they walked out the drive.

'Relax. She's at the hospital.' Puck replied. 'Plus, it's not like your my girlfriend.'

'And she never will be.' Sara called out.

'Shut it squirt.' Puck teased his little sister.

The trio watched a few movies before Quinn decided it was time to go home. Puck walked her to the door.

'Thank you for today.' Quinn smiled.

'Don't worry about it.' Puck smiled back.

'And I'm sorry for spilling the truth of my sad pathetic life to you.'

'Don't be sorry. I spilled mine to you too. So I'd say we're even.'

The blonde smiled. 'Yeah, we're even.' She shifted slightly. 'Look, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone. I actually like it here and I don't want people to judge me anymore than they already do.'

'I won't tell a soul.' He said truthfully. 'You won't tell anyone about what I said either, right?'

'My lips are sealed.' She smiled. It quiet for a second and the pair just look at each other not knowing what to say or do next.

Luckily she doesn't have to think because someone opens the front door.

'Hey honey.' A woman smiled brightly as she saw Puck.

'Hi Ma.' He replied. 'Q, this is my mom, mom this is Quinn.'

'It's nice to meet you Ms Puckerman.' Quinn smiled politely.

'The pleasure is all mine, and call me Ruth.' The woman smiled. 'Quinn, it is great to finally meet you, I have heard so much about you.'

Quinn looked at Puck and raised an eyebrow. 'You have?'

Ruth looks between Puck and Quinn. She has never seen her son look at someone the way he looks at Quinn. She watches as Puck opens his mouth to speak but no words come out. So she decides to save him. 'A-About the glee club and that you live next door to Finn.'

'What she said.' Puck agreed with a nod.

'Right.' The blonde nodded slowly. 'I should get going. My mom is going to wondering where I am.'

'I'll see you tomorrow.' He said opening the door.

'See you tomorrow.' She echos. 'It was nice to meet you Ruth.'

'You too Honey.' Ruth smiled.

The blonde quickly slips out of the door. He watches as the blonde walks down the driveway until she's out of sight.

'Dude she is way out of your league.' Sara said coming up behind her brother.

'I know.'


'Where were you Quinnie?' Judy asked when the blonde walked into the living room.

'I was with a friend.' She replied sitting down on the couch and turning on the tv.

'That is the first time you have ever said that to me.' Judy grinned. 'You like it here don't you?'

'Yeah, I do.' Quinn smiled. 'But I don't want to get too attached.'

'Don't worry. He won't find us.' Judy said softly. 'Oh Quinnie, I nearly forgot. Here.' Her Mom handed her a brand new phone. 'Since you lost your old one.'

The blonde swallowed hard I as she felt her heart sink.

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