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The Monday after the party the blonde still felt awful. Her head was booming and every sound echoed and made her feel nauseous. She made her way through the hallways and stopped when she saw Santana. The Latina was standing at her locker.

'Looking hot Fabray.'

'I think my head is going to explode.' She sighed.

'You're still hungover?' Santana asked taking her books out of her locker goes to close it but the blonde stops her.

'If you slam that. It will sound like a gunshot and my head can not handle that right now.' She said closing it slowly.

'How are you still hungover?'

'You're not?' She asked putting her fingers on her temple.

'I don't get hangovers. I feel right as rain.' The Latina teased with a grin. 'Do you remember anything from the party?' Santana asked carefully.

'Nope.' She shook her head. Her eyes widened. There is only one reason why she would have asked that. 'Oh my god! Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid.'

'No.' She lied, shaking her head. 'Well, unless you consider making out with Puckerman during spin the bottle stupid.'

Her eyes winded. 'I kissed him?'


'I feel nauseous.' She sighed with a groan.

'Here comes lover boy.' Santana said looking at Puck who was walking towards the girls.

'Sup Fabray.'

'Puckerman, I have bad news, you're clearly not as good as you think you are because I don't even remember kissing you.' She teased playfully.

'Want me to refresh your memory?' He asked. A smirk played on his lips.

She screwed up her face in disgust. 'Definitely not.' She shook her head.

The bell rang and the people around them started moving to get to class.

'You really don't remember?' He asked. He looked hurt.

'Nope.' She replied. 'Better luck next time.' She tapped his chest and followed Santana to their class. She looked around and saw Puck smiling slightly. He was definitely thinking about the 'next time.'

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