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Ever since Valentine's Day she's been jumpy and terrified She flinches every time her phone buzzes. She constantly looks around and second guessed herself.

The group walk into Santana's house and make their way outside to the backyard. She says hi to everyone she talks to and gets a drink. She decides not to drink alcohol, well that's is until her phone buzzes and she feels the all too familiar feeling of panic overwhelm her.

You can't hide forever Q
I will find you

She swallows hard and her hands begin to shake and tears fill her eyes. Before she can think straight she walks over to the pool and drops her phone into the water, she watches as it floats to the bottom, knowing that this wouldn't solve her problem but it was a temporary fix and it made her feel safer. She walked back over to the group and sees Puck's eyes on her the whole time. He say the whole thing.

'Are you-'

He's going to ask if she's okay and she doesn't have the strength to lie, So Before he can even finish his question, she takes the shot from his hand and downs it.

'W-What are you doing?'

'It's a party, right?' She asked, making her way over to Santana who was holding a bottle of Vodka. She didn't want to be sober anymore, she didn't want to think about her past. She just wanted to feel numb. Even if it was for a few hours.


Quinn hated that it took a lot of alcohol for her to be wasted. Everyone around her was drunk other than Finn. Santana was in the corner crying when Brittany yelled out to play spin the bottle. Sam began the game and kissed Brittany, Kurt kissed Blaine and Rachel kissed Finn.

It's Quinn's turn to play, so she sits up straight and puts her hand on the bottle. 'Which of you lucky people is going to get to kiss me?' She asked with a laugh as she spun the bottle and because the universe is clearly against her it lands on Puck who is sitting next to her. He isn't drunk either. 'Lucky you.' She smiled.

'You don't have to-'

Before he can finish. She puts her hands on his cheeks and kisses him softly. It didn't last too long but as they pulled away the blonde kept her eyes closed, still reeling from the kiss.

After a few more people is was Pucks turn. It also landed on Quinn. He smirked as he kissed her again. This time the blonde felt bold and deepened the kiss. Once they pulled away the boy spoke. 'Lucky you.'


The party is coming to an end and only a few people remain. Santana, Brittany, Puck, Kurt, Finn and Quinn and still at the party. The group we all sitting in the living room. Half of them were drunk.

'My mom is going to kill me.' Quinn laughed to herself. After spin the bottle she had a few more drinks and she definitely past the point of tipsy.

'Here.' Puck said handing the blonde a bottle of water and sitting down next to her. 'Drink it.'

Quinn rolled her eyes and drank the water.

'I like drunk Quinn.' Santana said with a laugh. She was easily the most wasted on there. 'She's not so uptight when she's drunk.'

'I am not uptight.' The blonde slurred. 'Puckerman, tell them I'm not uptight.'

'You kind of are.' He laughed.

She gasped dramatically and clutched her chest. 'I'm offended.'

'Okay. I think it's time to get you home.' Finn said. 'Your mom is going to freak.'

'She'll get over it.' Quinn shrugged.

'Puckerman, you need a ride?' Finn asked the boy.

'Let's go.'

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