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Two weeks later, Regionals is fast approaching the glee club are working hard to get prepared. The group is paired off for the group numbers and Quinn is with Puck. She can't help but flinch every time he puts his hand on her waist.

'Are you okay?' Puck asked softly while Mr Schue helped Finn with the choreography.

'Y-Yeah.' She nods, more to convince herself than him.
'I-I'm just a little jumpy.'

'You sure?' He asked with kinds eyes and a reassuring smile. For a moment she wants to tell him. Tell him everything, but she knows that it will change everything. He will never look at her the same.

'I'm fine, really.' She smiled forcefully. 'Now stop worrying about me and worry about not stepping on my feet.'

Puck smirked and took the blondes hand. She tried to focus on Puck and the movements but she could feel Jesse's eyes burning into her skin.


Quinn was walking to her next class alone when she felt someone pull her into the janitors closet. 'W-What are you doing?' Her voice filled with fear as she realised that it's Jesse.

'Tell Puckerman to keep his hands off of you. Or I will.' Be bit harshly.

'He isn't my boyfriend.' Quinn said. 'And you know what? Neither are you. So leave me alone.' She retorted, not knowing where her sudden confidence came from. She went to turn around to leave but his rough hands pulled her back. He gripped her arms and she wince into pain.

'You're hurting me.' She winced.

He grips it harder before slowly letting go. 'I'm sorry babe.'

'I'm not your babe.' She bit, tearing her arm away. 'You don't own me.'

'You don't mean that. You love me.'

'I despise you.' She said. 'You could drop dead and I wouldn't care.'

'Q, I'd be careful about what you say next.' His voice is low and rough. 'You're mine, you always will be mine.'

'No.' She said. 'I'm not.' She walked out of the janitors closet. She spotted Puck at his locker. She wasn't thinking straight that's for sure. She just wanted to feel like she had some power. She needed to feel powerful and I charge of her own destiny. So she walked over to Puck.

'Don't freak out.' She said lowly before pulling him into a kiss. Puck quickly kissed back. Once they pulled away Quinn taped his chest. 'Thanks.' She briefly turned around to see if Jesse saw the kiss. He did. Hopefully now he would get the memo. She doesn't want anything to do with him.

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