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Quinn blinked herself awake and felt the familiar sense on dread consume her. She was starting a new school today. McKinley high. The blonde sighed deeply as she reluctantly got out of bed to get ready for the day. She put on a dress and a cardigan and her heeled boots.

She made her way downstairs to greet her mom.

'How are you feeling? Are you excited?' Judy asked as soon as she saw the blonde.

'I'm ecstatic!' The blonde exclaimed, her voice oozing with sarcasm.

'Quickly eat something and then get to school. You don't want to be late on your first day.' Judy said. 'I have an interview so I need to get going. I'll see you later. I love you.'

'Love you.' Quinn repeated.

School was meant to start in twenty minuets so the girl decided to leave and start her walk to school. As she's walking down the driveway she hears someone call her name.

'Quinn! Wait up!' The voice calls out. She turns around and sees Kurt walking towards her.

'Hi Kurt!' She smiled.

'Are you headed to school?' The blonde nodded. 'Great. You can get a ride with us.'

'That's not-'

'I won't take no for an answer.' Kurt said linking their arms and walking her towards the car. It isn't until she gets closer that she sees Puck leaning up against the car smoking a cigarette.

'Of course the guy with the Mohawk smokes.' She remarks as she gets closer.

'It's my brand babe.' He smirks exhaling a cloud of smoke.

She rolls her eyes and scoffs.

'Puckerman, put that thing out. You are not smoking in my car.' Kurt says.

The boy rolls his eyes and puts the cigarette out. Puck turns to look at the blonde. 'Looking hot fabray.' He smirked earning yet another eye roll from the blonde. She's starting to think that every word that leaves his mouth is going to warrant an eye roll.

'You repulse me.' The blonde retorted. He hummed in amusement and shot her a wink.

'Puckerman stop flirting with Quinn.' Kurt said. 'Try to find someone who doesn't roll their eyes every time you open your mouth.'

The blonde smiled sarcastically. 'Like he could find anyone.'

Finn came walking down the driveway and smiled at the blonde. 'Hey Quinn.'

'Hi.' She smiled.

'Are you riding with us?' The tall boy asked.

'Yeah. She is.' Kurt replied.

'I guess I am.'

'Kids!' Carol called out. 'You need to get going. I don't want you to be late. That includes you Noah and Quinn.'

'Bye Mom!' Finn called out.


'Kurt you suck at driving.' Puck said when they got out of the car.

'I am not!' Kurt exclaimed. 'Quinn tell him.'

'He has a point.' Quinn said, not wanting to give Puck the satisfaction of being right.

'Come on Quinn. You have to meet everyone.' Kurt said linking the blondes arms.

The pair walked away and Finn noticed Puck looking at the blonde. 'Dude. Don't even try it.'

'Who said I even have to try?' Puck smirked before catching up to the blonde.

'Why is everyone staring?'

'Because you're hot.' Puck said coming up behind her and walking beside her.

'You're still here?' Quinn retorted.

Kurt laughed. 'Ignore him he's-'

'A moron? A Neanderthal?'

'All of the above.' Kurt teases.

'Where are we going?' Quinn asked as the boys lead her down different hallways.

'Glee club.' Finn replied.

'You're all in glee club?' Quinn asked looking at the boys.

'Chicks dig singers.' Puck replied.

'Talented ones.' The blonde teased.

Kurt grabbed her arm and pulled her into the choir room. 'Come on Q, you're auditioning.'

Quinn looked at Finn for help but he gave her a goofy smile and lead the group into the room

'Quinn Fabray, right?' The teacher asked, she nodded. 'I'm Mr Schue. 'This is your thirtieth school right?'

'You read my file.' Quinn stated. So much for a fresh start.

'So are you auditioning?'

Before the blonde can say no Kurt speaks. 'Yes she is. She's very talented.'

'You don't know that.' The blonde says in a bitter whisper.

'Yes I do.' He said. 'She's singing Papa don't preach and Puck is going to play the guitar.'

'He is?' The blonde said looking at Puck.

'I am?' The Mohawked boy asked.

'Yes. He is.' Kurt demanded handing Puck his guitar.

'Of course the guy with the Mohawk plays the guitar.' The blonde said making her way to the centre of the room. 'Could you be anymore cliche?'

He smirked. 'Sing.'

Quinn reluctantly sang the song but eventually she got into it. She really did like performing.

'Quinn, I speak for all of us when I say that was amazing.' Kurt said clapping. The rest of the club nodded in agreement.

Quinn smiled and looked at Mr Schue. 'So, am I in?'

'You're definitely in.'

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