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Two weeks later it was the day before Valentine's Day. Quinn was still in Lima and she hated to admit that she liked it here. She like hanging out with Finn and Kurt and even Puck but she wouldn't dare get to close.

But with Valentine's Day approaching everyone now that that is was okay for their public displays of affection and the whole school was covered in red and pink decorations and the whole week in glee club was dedicated to,

'Love.' Mr Schue began after writing the word on the board. Quinn didn't bother to suppress her eye roll. 'What do you think is the worlds greatest love song?'

'Pretty young thing.' Artie replied.

'As long as your mine from wicked.' Rachel added.


'None.' The blonde replied. 'Because love doesn't exist.'

'What type of love doesn't exist?' Mr Schue asked. 'Because there are many types of love. Romantic love, family love, the love between friends.'

'Who cares?' She said rhetorically. 'In the end everyone leaves or dies. Love is a waste of time because it end in heartbreak.'

'Okay.' Mr Schue nods slowly. 'What do you guys think about love at first sight?'

'That definitely exists.' Puck said. Quinn looked over to him in shock.

'Why do you say so?'

'Because I felt it when I saw Quinn for the first time.' He said looking at Quinn from across the room. She rolled her eyes and turned to Santana.

'He is so whipped.' The Latina told her.


'Keep that boy on a leash. It's fun to string them along.' She winked.

Quinn laughed. 'I'll pass.'

'This weeks assignment is to find a love song and sing it infront of everyone.' Mr Schue said. 'Even you Quinn.'

The bell rang and the group stood to go to class. Quinn walked out of the room and headed to her locker.

'So Q, what love song are you planning to sing to me?' Puck asked approaching the blonde.

'I was thinking 'I hate you' by Go to hell.' She replied smugly, opening her locker and doing what she needs to.

'Do you really not believe in love?' He asked leaning against the lockers next to hers.

She closed her locker. 'You do?' She asked. 'I thought you lived on one night stands.'

'I do but-'

'My point exactly.'  She teased. 'Come on Puckerman, you're walking me to Chem.'


Quinn went home with Kurt and they searched through songs for the blonde to sing in the glee club. They eventually found one that she liked the sound of and could easily make up a lie about why she thinks it's a good love song.

The next day she was walking through the halls during her free period and heard someone playing piano and singing. She got closer and saw Puckerman playing the piano. 

'You stalking me Fabray?' Puck asked turning around on the piano stool.

'I didn't know you could play.' She said slowly walking into the room.

'I'm a man of many talents babe.'

She hummed in amusement. 'I bet you are.' He reached out and grabbed her hand. 'What are you doing?' She asked with a hint of panic in her voice.

'Relax.' He said. 'I heard the song you were playing yesterday with Hummel and I couldn't get it out of my head. So you're going to sing it with me.'

'Do I have any say in this?' She asked noticing that his hand was still holding hers.

'Not really.' He smirked. The blonde playfully rolled her eyes but sat next to the boy anyway.

If I could do it all over, baby I'd do it different
Maybe I wouldn't be here, in this position

I found you and I lost you, looking back is torture
And it hurts to know I let you go, you live right around the corner

And I could've had it all, could've had it all

Puck, [Quinn]
True love, [I know I had it]
True love, [was so hard to find]
True love, [If I could get it back, yeah]

I'd never let it go this time

As the song drew to a close the pairs eyes were connected. Puck began to lean into the blonde but a voice stopped them.

'I think Quinn and Puck just showed us what the worlds greatest love song is.' Mr Schue said. The pair turned around a saw the majority of the glee club standing at the door. 'Good job guys.'

'T-Thanks.' Quinn stuttered standing up and walking over to her seat.

Throughout the whole glee club lesson she couldn't stop her eyes from lingering to Puck.

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