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Quinn, Finn and Kurt all went to school together the following morning. The blonde was exhausted, even though she wasn't sleeping in her own room, she was still terrified. She saw him every single time she closed her eyes.

'You look like shit.' Santana said approaching the blonde at her locker.

'Trust me. I feel worse than I look.' She sighed closing her locker.

'You must feel terrible then.' Santana teased. The blonde smiled and nudged the girl. The two girls walked ahead of the boys. 'You and Puckerman seemed real close last night?'

She rolled her eyes. 'Puck and I are never going to happen so you might as well give up.'

'Nah-uh Fabray. My Mexican third eye can sense it.'

The two girls made their way into the choir room. The blonde immediately looked eyes with Puck who was sitting at the back of the room. She smiled as she walked towards him.

'What are you staring at?' She asked sitting next to him.


She playfully rolled her eyes as she retrieved her notebook from her bag.

'Okay guys.' Mr Schue's voice announced. 'The first thing on the agenda is to welcome out new student.' She kept her eyes on her notebook and drawer stars on the corner of the page. 'Jesse St James.'

She inhaled a sharp breath as she hears the name. She tries to convince herself that her mind is playing tricks on her. That the lack of sleep was making her imagine things. She tries to steady her breathing as she braces herself to look up. It's real. He's actually there. The pair briefly make eye contact and he sends her a wink. It makes a shiver run down her spine. Puck clearly saw the interaction and spoke lowly to the girl.

'Do you know him?'

'N-No.' She lied.

'Mr Schue. He's from Vocal Adrenaline. He's here to spy on us.' Rachel said.

'I have no interest in spying on you.' He smirked, emphasising the last word and look directly at Quinn.

Her ears go cloudy and all she can hear is the deafening boom of her heart. Her cheeks feel like their on fire and her eyes sting. It isn't long before she feels like can't breathe and the air feels thick, it feels like someone is choking her. She cradles her head in her hands. She takes a few deep breaths and looks up again hoping that everything that just happened was a result of her sleep deprivation. It wasn't, and he walked towards her took a seat infront of the blonde. He turns around and the pair make eye contact again.

'Hey I'm Jesse.' He introduces himself. He's putting on a facade. Pretending to be this nice boy who is sweet and caring but he is the polar opposite.

'I-I need to go.' Quinn manages to stutter out, quickly standing up and running out of the room.

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