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After school Quinn decided to go the library to catch up on some studying she missed over the weekend when she was hungover. She had all of her books laid out infront of her.

'Sup Blondie.' A voice said. The blonde looked up and saw Puck walking towards her with his usual smirk on his face.

'You know I'm starting to think that your obsessed with me.' She teased not looking back at me her math book. She hated math. Puck laughed and sat opposite the blonde. 'That wasn't an invite to sit down.'

'But I did anyway.' He shrugged.

'What do you want Puckerman?' She said giving in and closing her math book.

'I have some time to kill.' He shrugged.

'So I'm your last resort?' She said putting her hand on her heart and pretending to be hurt.

'You know you'll always be my number one.' He smirked.

'So, why do you have time to kill?' Quinn asked, titling her head.

'I have to pick my little sister up from soccer practise in thirty minuets.'

'I never knew you had a sister.' She pointed out, furrowing her eyebrow.

'You never asked.'

It was weird. Quinn and Puck had only known each other for less than three months but the pair could tease and joke with each other like they'd known each other their whole lives. But they didn't know each other all that well.

'Tell me something.' Quinn said.


'Tell me something that no one else knows about you.'

'My real name isn't Puck.' He teases wearing a genuine smile. A real smile, not like the stupid smirks that always make her roll her eyes. His real smile makes her smile.

'Be serious.' She said nudging him.

He pauses to think for a moment. 'I've never told anyone this, so if you repeat it I'll kill you.' He was stalling. The blonde laughed it off to make him feel more comfortable. 'My dad left when I was eight. But everyone knows that. What they don't know is that he was abusive, to me and my mom. He'd yell and throw things at her and I'd try to help but that only lead to him hurting me.'

'Puck, I-I'm so sorry.'

'It's cool.' He brushed off. 'Turns out I'm pretty good at protecting the people I love.'

She smiled softly. 'Don't loose that Puckerman.'

'Your turn. I told you something so now you need to tell me.'

She bit her lip. 'You know how I move around a lot and I've never told anyone why.'

'You don't have to tell me.' Puck said carefully.

'I want to. I need to someone and for some strange reason I trust you.'

He smiled. 'Are you sure?'

She nodded and took a deep breath preparing to tell him. 'It started when I was six. My Dad cheated on my Mom and she filled for divorce and he really didn't like that. Then we moved away. I didn't see him for two years and then one day he just turns up at my new school, he told me that it was time to go home with him. So I did, because he was my dad and I didn't think he'd lie to me. So he puts me in his car and started to drive and I just remember being in the car for a really long time. Little did I know that he essentially kidnapped me and took me over the state line. There was an amber alert and everyone was looking for me. He took me to a hotel and there was banging on the door demanding for him to open the door and I went to open it but he put his hand over my mouth and told me that if I made a sound the people on the other side of the door would kill me. Then a bunch of officers broke the door down and my mom was there.' She explained. She felt her eyes well up with tears as every detail of that day came back to her, Puck took a hold of her hand. 'So my dad got arrested for kidnap but he has money so he made bail and got away with it and me and my mom moved across the state again, but he found us again and again. So ever since then we moved every couple months so he wouldn't be able to find us.'

'He won't be able to hurt you again.' Puck said, giving her hand a comforting squeeze.

She offered a small smile and used her other hand to wipe away the tears that had escaped. 'You can't promise me that.'

'Q, he won't hurt you again.'

The blonde took a deep breath and spoke 'Alright Puckerman. As much as I treasure our time together, I need to study because I do actually plan on graduating.' And there she went again, building back up her walls and defenses. She didn't know what it was about Puck that made her feel so free and safe. But she wasn't going to let herself find out. She needed to keep her distance.

'You've studied enough.' He said with a smile as he picked up all of her books.

'What are you doing?'

'We are going to pick my little up from Soccer practise.' He said as a matter for fact, holding out his hand for her to take.

She sighed playfully. 'Okay.'

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