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'You know Q. That wasn't exactly how I imagined out first kiss.' Puck smirked as he sat next to her in biology.

'We've kissed before.' She replied.

'Spin the bottle doesn't count.' He returned.

'Look, it didn't mean anything. Don't read anything into it.'

'So you just jumped me in the hallway.'

'Yeah, pretty much.' She said with a smile. 'Sorry about that.'

'Don't be.' He smiled.

Puck and Quinn make small talk but she immediately goes quiet when she sees Jesse sit infront of them.

'You know, you two are a cute couple.' Jesse said turning around the the pair.

'We're not a couple.' Puck returned. 'Not like it's any of you business.'

'Ignore him.' Quinn told Puck.

'Not dating? So you just go around kissing random guys. Can I be next?'

Puck looked at the blonde who was fiddling with her rings and chewing her bottom lip. 'Dude. That's enough.'

'It's fine. She's a slut anyway.'

Puck goes to jump out of his seat but Quinn looks at him. 'You'll only make it worse.'

'What do you mean?'



Quinn was walking through the hallway with Santana when they saw a crowd form.

'What's happening?' Quinn asked, not liking the way her heart immediately sank.

'I don't know. But I love the drama.' Santana said taking a hold of Quinn's hands and pulling them in front of the crowd. That's when she sees Jesse and Puck fighting. 'Well I didn't not expect this.'

'Oh my god.' Quinn gasped.

Soon enough Mr Schue gets in between the boys and splits them up, taking Jesse to see the nurse. The crowd disperses as Puck wipes blood away from his lip.

When he looks up he makes eye contact with Quinn, who's eyes are welled with tears. 'Q-' Before he can finish Quinn turns around and runs away in the opposite direction. 'Fuck.' He curses, before quickly running after her. He catches up to her in the parking lot and calls her name. 'Q, wait.'

'Leave me alone.' She said not turning around or stopping.

He sighed. 'Quinn-'

She stopped and turned around. 'I told you to leave it alone!' She exclaimed.

'I was just trying to help.'

'Help?' She scoffed. 'You think that helped? You have no idea how much worse you have made everything!'

'Made what worse?' He asked carefully. 'Q, talk to me.'

'No!' She yelled. 'I do not need you coming into my life and trying to save me. I do not need you or anyone else trying to rescue me.'

'Quinn I'm not-'

'Just leave me alone and stop trying to help me.'

'Don't push me away Q. I care about you.

She scoffed. 'Don't say that. Nobody cares about me.'

'I do.'

'Well you shouldn't.' She said harshly. 'I-I have to go. Please don't follow me.' She starts walking to her car but his voice pulls her back.

'You push away anyone who could possibly care about you.' Puck says across the parking lot. 'Why is that?'

She sighs deeply. 'I don't know.'

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