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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️

She doesn't know what to do. She sits there paralysed in fear as Jesse points a gun at her. Soon enough tears start rolling uncontrollably down her cheeks.

'J-Jesse. Y-You don't-t wanna do-t-this.' She stutters out.

'Shut up!' He yells loudly and shoots the gun into the wall. She jumps as the abound of the gun shot echos loudly in her ears.

'Jesse please-'


Meanwhile the glee club had just began and Mr Schue was talking about regionals.

'I have a few excellent ideas for my solo.' Rachel said.

'Shut up dwarf.' Santana sneered. 'I should get the solo.'

The group soon erupted in a loud argument on who should get the solo but they were all cut of when the sound of a gun went off.

'Was that-'


The whole group panicked as they ran to barricade the doors and turn the lights off.

'Quinn isn't here.' Puck pointed out. 'She's not here.'

'She's probably in another classroom.' Finn reassured him.

Puck knew that wasn't true. He had a bad feeling and he knew that she wasn't safe or okay.

'Puckerman. Get down!' Mr Schue ordered him.'

'I-I have to find Quinn.' He said standing up and heading to the door.

'Puck!' Santana called out. The rest of the glee club silently pleaded for him to sit down but he didn't. He moved the piano out of the way of the door and ran out to the hallway and ran to the locker room.

He listened closely and heard the blondes sob. 'Jesse please-'

The boys quietly opened the door and stepped inside the room. He couldn't been seen by either of them.

Quinn was curled in a ball on the floor crying but she hadn't been shot.

'Jesse, please don't hurt me.' Quinn said looking at Jesse. 'I'll do anything you want.'

'What I want is you!' He said harshly.

Out of the corner of her eyes Quinn spotted Puck. He gave her a reassuring look and the blonde felt like she was going to get out of this alive.

'O-Okay.' She shrugged stuttered slowly getting to her feet, He keeps the gun pointed at her. 'I'll leave with you and we can go back to Carmel or we can go anywhere. Just you and me.' She lied. 'I want to be with you too Jesse. I used Puck to make you jealous. I want to be with you.'

'You do?'

'Yes.' She swallows hard. 'I love you.' She felt sick to her stomach after saying the words but it's what she had to do to stay alive.

'Okay.' Jesse smiled as he lowers the gun. 'I knew you'd come around and realise that we are soulmates.'

Puck watches the scene unfold and once he sees Jesse lower the gun, he takes it as his opportunity to help Quinn. He runs towards Jesse and tackles him from behind and the gun falls to the floor. Puck punches him a few times, so he'll stay on the ground long enough for to get them both out of their safely.

He stands up and Quinn's embraces him and cries into his chest. 'You're okay. You're safe.' He tells her as he holds her.

Little did they know that Jesse wasn't knocked out and he reached for the abandoned gun on the floor and got to his feet. He raised the gun, and fired.

Screaming filled the room and blood was everywhere.

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