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Quinn walked into her biology class and made her way to the back of the room. She felt everyone's eyes follow her. That was the worst part about being the new girl. Everyone wanted to know her story but she had no interest in telling it. The teacher started the class but she was barely listening. She sat gazing out of the window.

'Puckerman. You're late.' Her teacher said snapping her out of her daydreams. The blonde looked up and she saw Puck walking towards her. He smirked and took a seat next to her.

'Are you following me?' She teased.

'You wish.' He replied wink a wink, making the blonde roll her eyes. 'You know. You were really hot during that glee club audition.

'I bet you say that to all the girls.' She said nonchalant as she doodled on her paper. 'And for the record.' She said looking up from her paper and looking at him. 'I'm always hot.'

He smirked. It was true.


School was finally over and since Judy was still at work Finn and Kurt insisted on her coming over to hang out.

'So Quinn, how was your first day?' Carol asked when the blonde entered the kitchen.

'It was good.' She replied. 'I've definitely had worse first days.'

'Why do you move around so much?' Finn asked.

She froze and swallowed hard. She new the question was bound to come up. 'That is a story for another day.'

'Quinn joined the glee club.' Kurt said changing the subject. 'We'll definitely win nationals this year.'

'Not if we're going up against vocal adrenaline.' Finn sighed.

The blonde froze and felt a lump form in her throat.
'D-Did you say vocal adrenaline?'

'Yeah. They're the best show choir in the state.' Finn told her.

'I-I know. Carmel High was the last school I went too.' Quinn said trying to cover up the panic in her voice.

'That school sucks.' Kurt said.

'Tell me about it.' Quinn said shifting uncomfortably. She didn't want to think about that school or who went there.

'How are you likely McKinley High?' Burt asked

'It's good.' She nodded. 'Other than the fact I have every class with Noah Puckerman who is basically a walking STD.'

Kurt cooed. 'It's like in a rom com when two people hate  at first but something totally random makes them become closer and then they fall it love.'

Quinn screwed up her face in disgust. 'No way.' She denied shaking her head.

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