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It's Quinn's birthday. Words can not describe how much she hates her birthday. She used to love it when she was little but then it was ruined and she never looked at the day the same way ever again. For the past ten years, she ignored the existence of her birthday. Her mom tried her best to make the blonde happy but Quinn had no interest in celebrating. Today was no different.

'Happy birthday. Honey.' Judy smiled as the blonde walked down the stairs.

'Thanks Mom.' She replied politely.

'Quinnie. The firm want me to go to Indiana for a few days to sort out some paper work.'

'When do you leave?' Quinn asked.

'In an hour. But I don't have to go if you don't want me to. I know you don't like being alone.'

'Mom. Go. I'll be fine.' The blonde smiled.

'Are you sure?'

'Positive.' She smiled.


'Happy birthday Quinn.' Finn exclaimed when the blonde knocked on the Hudson's door.

'How did you find out?' The blonde asked wide eyed.

'I didn't know it was a secret.' Finn replied carefully. 'Your mom told my mom and she told us. Why didn't you want us to know?'

'I hate my birthday.' She replied.

'How do you hate your birthday?' Kurt asked with a gasp, coming to the door.

She shrugged. 'Look, can we just pretend that today is a normal day? No one else finds out.'

'Swear.' The boys said.

'I don't even know why I bother, you two couldn't keep a secret to save your life.' She laughed.

'That's not true.'

Quinn turned to Kurt. 'You told the whole school that Rachel Berry still wears a training bra.' Finn laughed, she quickly turned to the tall boy. 'And you told the whole school that Matt Rutherford sleeps with a stuffed animal.' Finn laughed at the memory. 'If anyone finds out about my birthday, I'll remove your balls.'

'Got it.' Finn nodded.

'Yes ma'am.'


At school no one mentioned her birthday or treated her any differently. After school, Quinn and Kurt went back to his house and studied.

'So, are you staying until graduation?' Kurt asked carefully.

'I don't know.' Quinn replied truthfully.

'I really don't want you to go.'

'It isn't up to me. Believe me. If all of this was my decision. I'd stay in a heartbeat.' She said. 'But it isn't.'

'Your mom want to stay, right?'

'It's not up to her either.'


'It's complicated Kurt.' The blonde said. 'If you think about it too hard your head will explode.'

The boy looked at his phone and grinned. 'Hey, your moms away, right?'

'Yeah, she's in Indiana for the weekend.'

'Let's go to your house.'

The pair went across the street to the Fabray house and the blonde was met with a surprise party. Everyone from the glee club was there.

'I hate you so much.' Quinn said through gritted teeth.

'You can hate me if you don't enjoy yourself.' Kurt smiled.

Quinn hugged Finn and when they pulled away the tall boy spoke. 'I told you I can keep a secret. I kept the surprise party a secret.'

'I'm proud.' She teased.

A few hours into the party it was time for gifts. Kurt got her a new outfit, Finn got her a bracelet and Santana and Brittany gave her a bottle of vodka which was immediately taken by Burt. Next Puck handed her a not so neatly wrapped gift. She opened it a found a smile appearing on her face. It was from pictures frame from Valentine's Day. It was a picture of Santana, Brittany, Puck and Quinn, in the photo Puck was kissing the blondes cheek.

She smiled. 'Thank you.' She grazed her finger along the photo.

Once the presents were opened the blonde excused herself to put all of the gifts into her room. She put everything in its correct place and placed the frame on the desk. She was about to walk out of the room to go back to the party when a voice startled her.

'Happy birthday babe.'

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