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Quinn ran out of the choir room and through the halls of McKinley. She finally stops running when she reaches underneath the bleachers where she knew he wouldn't be able to find her. That's when she finally lets her tears flow. She felt suffocated and her heart was booming loudly. Nausea waves over her like a flood. She tries to slow her breathing but she can't gasp for air.

She so focused on trying to slow her breath and calm down, that she didn't even hear someone approach her.

'Q?' Puck asked carefully. Her eyes are clenched shut and her back is pressed against the brick wall. Once he gets closer her hears her short, heavy breaths and he realises that she's having a panic attack. 'Hey Q.' He places his hand on her shoulder. She opens her eyes slowly and looks at him. She wants to speak but she still can't catch her breath.

'Hey, sit down.' He helps her onto the floor and sits in front of her. 'Okay. How about you tell me everything about me that annoys you.' She doesn't speak. She keeps her eyes on her legs and draws circles with her finger on her knees. 'Come on Q. You can do that, right? Every thing about me annoys you.' She wants to smile at his attempts to help her but she can't.

'Uh-um.' She stutters out trying to focus on the question. 'You-Y-You have really s-stupid hair.'

'Okay, what else?' He urges her.

'You-You smirk more than you actually smile.'

'Keep going.' He said putting his hand on hers. 'What about how much of a moron I am?'

She nods and can feel as her breathing become more steady. 'You're insanely annoying ninty-nine percent of the time but somehow I don't hate you.'

He smiled gently. Silent falls over them. Her panic attack stopped.

'H-How did you know?' She asked after taking a few deep breaths.

'My mom has panic attacks sometimes, after everything that happened with my dad.'

'Thank you.' She said, realising that his hand is still on hers.

'Don't worry about it. I wanted to get out of that club.' He said to make her laugh, it works. 'So, you don't hate me.'

She smiled. 'Not completely.'

'I'll take it.' He smiled.

'Even though you act like your this heartless player. You're one of the good guys.'

'You might be the only person who thinks that.' He said lowly.

'I guess we know each other better than everyone else.' She shrugs.

He smiled. 'Ready to go back?' She nodded slowly. She took a few deep breaths before The boy got to his feet and helped the blonde up. 'You know I'm here for you right?'

'I know.' She smiled softly. 'Thank you.'

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