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It was Valentine's Day and Breadstix was having a love themed party. Quinn had no intention on going. She was planning on ordering take out and having a catch up with her Mom. But Brittany and Santana highjacked her and her Mom insisted that she should go.

'Quinn hurry and get your cute butt down here.' Santana called out, from downstairs. 'I want to get my Breadstix on.'

She put on a while dress and light pink cardigan. She took a deep breath and opened the door. 'Happy?'

'You look hot.' Brittany grinned.

'Let's go.' Santana said.

Santana, Brittany and Quinn had become very close. Santana even went as far to call them the unholy trinity.

The trio got to the restaurant and were welcomed with Kurt and his boyfriend Blaine performing 'Love Shack.' The group sang and danced, once the slow song came along sang by Mercedes. Everyone paired off into their own couples and danced. Quinn went to make a quick escape to get some air, but before she could reach the door someone gently pulled her back.

'Come on Fabray. Dance with me.' He said holding out his other hand for her to take.

She smiled shyly before taking his hand. 'Fine. Don't stop in my feet.'

'I'll try my best.' He smiled. Pulling her body close to his. The pair dance together. It's weird but she finds herself becoming less tense as they sway to the music. She's never slow danced with anyone before, she likes it.

Once Mercedes finished her solo, Santana pulled Quinn away from Puck and the unholy trinity performed girls just wanna have fun.


The night drew to a close and Quinn was waiting outside of Breadstix with Puck while Kurt and Finn pulled the car around. She stood with her back pressed against the cold brick wall with her eyes closed.

'So, has your view on loved changed?' Puck asked her.

'Why would it?' Quinn asked looking at him.

'You know, everyone in there has someone. Finn has Berry, Hummel has Anderson, Santana has Brittany.' He listed off.

'What about you?' She asked lowly. 'Who do you have?'

'Any one I want.' He smirked.

'Who do you want?'

'I can't tell you. I have to keep some mystery, right?' He smirked.

The blonde rolled her eyes and laughed. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, she thought it would be her mom asking when she would be home. But once she saw the text she inhaled a sharp breath as she felt her heart sink.

Happy Valentine's Day babe.
You didn't think you could get rid of my that easily, did you?

Puck noticed how the blood drained from the blondes face and the look of complete fear overcome her. 'Q, are you okay?'

She quickly shoves her phone into her purse and swallows the ball that formed in her throat. 'F-Fine.' She lied with a painfully forced smile. She was far from okay.

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