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Puck was shot. Jesse shot him. Quinn's screams erupted as she watched Puck fall to the floor. As soon as Jesse realised what he had done he ran out of the room like the coward he is.

Puck was shot in his abdomen and blood was everywhere. Quinn quickly took off her cardigan and compressed the wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding but there was so much blood. She screamed to get someone's attention but she knew that the school would be in lockdown. She fumbled to fine her phone but it was across the room where Jesse had threw it. She quickly grabbed it and resumed putting pressure on the wound.

'Y-You're gonna be okay.' She tells him. 'Just keep your eyes open.'


'Shhh. Don't try to speak.'

She calls 911 and cried on the phone begging for help. She hung up the phone and looked at Puck. He was pale and bleeding out profusely.

'Quinn.' He choked out.

'You're okay.' She tried to reassure him, taking a hold on his hand. 'You're gonna be okay.'

'I'm dying Q.'

'No.' She says shaking her head, her vision was blurred with tears. 'You are not dying. You are going to go to the hospital and you are going to live.'


'Puck. You are not dying. You hear me?' She tells him sternly. 'You can not die on me. You can't leave me here alone.'

He lifts his hand out of hers and cups her cheek. Quinn hold his hand there and feels his pulse weaken with every second. Where is the ambulance?

'I-I always knew I'd take a bullet for you.' Puck stutters out with a forced smile. Tears are glossed over his eyes. Quinn feels as his pulse becomes ever weaker and more blood pools out of his wound. His eyes begin to flutter closed.

'Puck, please. Keep you eyes open. Look at me.' She puts his hand on his cheek and makes him look her in the eye. 'Look at me.' She repeats.

'I-I-' He stutters but he does to get to finish his sentence and he drifts out of conscious.

'No!' She screams.

She keeps the wound compressed and tries to wake him up but nothing works. Eventually she hears the paramedics approaching and they pull her away from him while they help him.

The blonde is covered in Puck's blood. One of the paramedics take her by the hand and leads her out of the school, where every student is lined up after being evacuated. Finn and Santana spot her and run towards her.

'Quinn! What happened?' Santana asked.

'Are you hurt?'

The blonde opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. That's when Puck was wheeled out of the stretcher with a breathing mask over his face.

'Oh my god!' Santana exclaimed when she saw him.

'He saved me.' Quinn choked out. 'He stepped in front of the gun.'


'Can one of you drive me to the hospital?' Quinn said standing blankly ahead at the ambulance as it drove away. 'I need to be with him.'

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