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The blonde excused herself to get some air. She sat on the porch swing and closed her eyes, still reeling from what happened. She was nauseous and desperately tried to hold in her tears.

She heard the patio creak and her eyes snapped open. Her breathing hitches but she instantly relaxes when she see Puck. 'Jesus Puckerman. You scared the crap out of me.'

'Sorry.' He said sitting down next to her.

'Puckerman you have the subtlety of a hang grenade.'

He laughed before turning serious. 'Are you okay? You seem pretty out of it.'

'I'm just thinking.' She replied. 'Why aren't you inside?'

'I have to spend time with the birthday girl, don't I?' He teased nudging her. She hummed in amusement. 'Q, I know that you're not capable of real human emotion but you're meant to be happy on your birthday.' He teased.

'I am happy.'

'Well it wouldn't kill you to smile.' He said smirking.

'Does that seriously work on girls?'

'Normally I don't even have to speak.'

'Well I'm sorry to disappoint.' The blonde said.

'Nah I like it.' He said truthfully. 'You aren't like anyone I've ever met.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'I think I'm going to take that as a compliment.'

He looked at her. 'It is.' She smiled and looked at her hands. 'You're special.'

'No ones ever called me that before.'

'I'm glad I was the first.' He grinned.

'You know I think this is the first time we've had a conversation and I havent rolled my eyes.' Quinn said softly.

He smirked. 'It's because you like me.'

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. 'You were doing so well.'

'You love me really.' He teased. He put his arm around the blonde and pulled her into a side hug. At first she was tense but ended up finding some sort of comfort in his arms. As they pulled way from the embrace the pair looked at eachother, an unfamiliar feeling of butterflies erupted in the blondes stomach. Just as the two were about to lean into each other Santana barged into the patio.

'Come on Q. We're doing cake.' She said. The pair quickly pulled away from each other. 'Wait, did I interrupt something?' The Latina asked with wide eyes.

The blonde scoffed dramatically. 'No, of course not.' She stood up and walked over to Santana. 'Let's go inside.' The blondes eyes lingered on the boy for a few seconds before Santana yanked her inside.

The glee club sang the girl happy birthday and she blew out the candles.

'What'cha you wish for?' Finn asked.

'I can't tell you, or it won't come true.' The blonde smiled.

The glee club eventually each went home one by one and as each person left. She felt more and more scared to spent the night by herself.

'Kurt, can I stay at your place?'

'Sure!' He grinned. 'How come you don't want to stay here?'

'I-I just didn't want to be alone on my birthday.' She lied with a smile.

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