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The pair were busy unpacking the kitchen supplies and putting them away.

'So Quinn, how do you feel about starting school tomorrow?' Judy asked in attempt to start a normal conversation.

The blonde shrugged. 'It another school with more people that I don't care about.'


'Have I ever mentioned how much I hate being the new kid?'

'Only every time you start a new school.' Judy replied with a laugh. 'But I want things to be different this time Quinnie, I want you to make friends and join clubs.'

'Be careful what you wish for.' Quinn teased. 'I might get involved with people who do drugs or kill people.'


'I'm kidding.' She laughed. The doorbell rang. 'I'll get it.' Quinn said and made her way towards the door. She opened it and was faced with a woman in her 40's.

'Can I help you?' Quinn asked carefully.

'Hi Honey.' The woman smiled warmly. 'I'm Carol Hudson, your next door neighbour.'

'Hi, I'm Quinn, Quinn Fabray.' She smiled and shook the older woman's hand.

'Is your mom home?'

'Yeah, She's in-'

'Honey, who's at the door?' Judy asked joining the girls.

'Hi, I'm Carol.'

'Judy.' The woman smiled, shaking her hand.

Carol smiled. 'I was wondering if you two would like to join us for dinner. You've been driving and unpacking all day so you probably haven't even thought about dinner.'

'You don't have to do that.' Judy said.

'Please, I need some girls to talk to. Between my Husband and my sons I feel like I never see any women.' Carol laughed.

Judy looked at Quinn who was looking at the ground hoping that her mom would politely decline the woman's request.

'Sure. We'll be over in twenty minutes.'

'See you soon.' Carol smiled.

One the door was closed the blonde exclaimed. 'Mom!'

'What?' Judy asked.

'Since when do we go to neighbours houses for dinner?' Quinn asked. 'We've lived in nearly 20 different states and I didn't even know the names of our neighbours.'

'I told you this time was different.' Judy smiled. 'Now go get changed and be optimistic.'

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