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'My parents are out of town so I'm a having party.' Santana told the glee club as the waited for Mr Schue to arrive.

'How many parties do you guys have?' The blonde asked, looking around the room.

'You'd be surprised.' Mercedes replied with a laugh.

'Our parties out fun!' Brittany said.

'Lopez's are deadly.' Puck said. 'You go and then you're hungover for the next week.'

'That's the best way to party!' Santana exclaimed. 'It's BYOB!'


'Q, are you ready? We're picking you up in five minuets.' Kurt asked when Quinn answered the phone.

'I have a headache.' She lied. She didn't feel like going to another party. All she wanted to do was curl up in bed and watch movies.

'Oh.' Kurt frowned.

'Q, you have to come.' Finn said.

'Am I on loud speaker?' Quinn asked.

'Yep.' Kurt nodded.

'She's lying.' Puck called out.

'Puck's there again?' Quinn asked throwing herself onto her bed.

'I'm always here.' Puck shrugged.

She rolled her eyes. 'I can tell.'

'Quinn I'm coming over!' Kurt exclaimed and sure another less that a minute later the boy is barging into her room and opening her wardrobe.

'Where are your clothes?' Kurt asked.

'Suitcase.' She replied not looking up from her phone.


'Don't ask.' She laughed.

'You are going to look crazy hot once I'm done with you!' Kurt grinned, pulling out a few options for the blonde to try on.

'Have you seen any cute guys at school?' The boys asked.

'No.' The blonde replied.

'Really? Not even a certain mohawked bad boy?'

The blonde rolled her eyes. 'Definitely not.'

'So you don't think Puck is good looking? Because you must be the only straight girl to think so.'

She knew he was Kurt was getting at. She picked at her nail polish and spoke again. 'I suppose he isn't awful looking.'

Kurt smiled and laid a dress on her bed. 'Good to know.'

'I know what you're trying to do Hummel. It won't work. I don't date.'

'Why not?'

'Because I'll be gone in like two months and onto the next home.'


'It's inevitable Kurt. There's not point pretending that I'm going to be around for a long time.'

'B-But you like it here. Your Mom likes it here.'

Quinn sighed. 'It's not up to me.'

'I don't want you to leave. No one does.' He said. 'Especially Puckerman.' He sent her an exaggerated wink.

'Enough about Puck.' The blonde laughed. 'Never gonna happen.'

He hummed in amusement. 'I don't know. You two seem kind of inevitable.' He said nudging her slightly.

'Get out of my room.' She said with a laugh. 'I have to get ready for this party.'

'You're coming?'

'Do I have a choice?'

'No.' Kurt said. 'We're leaving in ten.'

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