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Finn took Quinn to the hospital while Santana went back to the blondes house to get her a change of clothes.

Quinn walked into the hospital and saw blood trailing across the floor. She knew it was Pucks. The blonde wanted to move. To find Puck but her feet were stuck to the floor.


'This is all my fault.' She said lowly. 'He's going to die because of me.'

'No he won't.' Finn said softly. 'Let's go see where he is.' He took her hand and lead her to the information desk.

'Finn? Quinn?' A voice said. The pair turned around and saw Puck's mom who was nurse at the hospital.

'Hi Mrs Puckerman.'

'Quinn, what happened? Are you hurt?'

'No. I'm not hurt.' She shook her head.

'W-Who's blood is this?'

The blonde swallowed hard and tears welled in her eyes once more. 'I'm so sorry.'

'Sorry?' The older woman asked. 'What's happened?'

'Puck, he was shot.' Finn said sadly.

'It's all my fault.' Quinn choked out through tears.

Ruth blinked a few times to make sure that she heard the girl correctly. 'You two should go to the waiting area and
I-I'll get an update.'

'O-okay.' Quinn nodded.

'Quinn. This wasn't your fault okay?' Ruth reassured the girl.

Finn and Quinn sat down in silence. 'Who did this to him Q? Who tried to hurt you?'


'Why would he-'

'Quinn. I got you some new clothes and I talked to a nurse and they're going to check you over.' Santana said approaching the pair.

'I'm fine.' Quinn said.

'Q, I have heard you say that so many times that it doesn't even sound like a word anymore.' Santana pointed out. 'At least shower.'

'Fine.' Quinn said standing up. A nurse lead the blonde to a room where she showered and put on clean clothes. She opened the door and was met with a her mom, Finn, Santana and police officers.

'Quinn. These officers want to talk to you about what happened.' Her mom said.

'Quinn. We just want to take you to the station to answer a few questions.' One of the officers said.

'I'm not leaving.' Quinn shook her head. 'I'm not leaving him.'


'No!' She yelled. 'He was there for me when I needed him. I'm not going to leave him when he needs me.'

'Miss. We just want to get your statement.'

'My statement?' She scoffed. 'Jesse St James raped me when I lived in Akron. I tried to get away but he followed me. He sent me text messages and he would corner me when I was alone. Then he came to school with a gun and tried to kill me but instead be shot Puck, who is the only guy I've ever been able to really trust.' She bit angrily. 'Write that in your book.'

The group in front of her looked shocked as she told them the truth.

'Officers. I think Quinn needs some time alone.' Judy said urging the officers to leave. The officers nodded and walked out of the room.

'Quinnie.' Judy said softly stepping towards the girl.

'I-I'm going to find Puck's mom for an update.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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