Chapter 45

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"Wow, this place is incredible." Sam said as she came out of the transmat portal and arrived in the tower where Kara, Alex, Mon-El, Nia and Brainy were all waiting.

"Whoa, this place is incredible, but it's not the DEO." Sam said as Lena and J'onn came through, J'onn carrying a still unconscious Ruby in his arms.

"What happened to Ruby?" Kara asked.

"She overheard our conversation with Sam after we restored her memories, so we just decided to restore Ruby's memories too." Lena said.

"Okay then, we'll have to have a talk with her about keeping our secret identities when she wakes up, but first, let's make sure that when she does wake up, her mom isn't connected to a supervillain. No offense." Kara said to Sam.

"None taken, I agree. And Kara, I am very sorry for what happened on Christmas." Sam said.

"Sam, that wasn't you. That was Reign." Kara assured her.

"So, I hear you're getting married." Sam said, changing the subject.

"Actually, technically, I already am." Kara said as she leaned into her husband's arms.

"Wait what?" Sam asked.

"The only reason I haven't killed them for getting married without me there is because technically, they're only married on their home planets, not here on Earth." Alex said.

"Wait, what?" Sam asked.

"One change in this new reality is that Mon-El's pod originally crashed on Argo and he came to earth with my parents after J'onn found it. However, his parents and the daxamites attacked Argo looking for him, which would've been seen as an act of war, although this time, it was clear that the daxamites were the aggressors. In order to prevent war from breaking out, since it would've destroyed both of our races, it was decided that the best way to unite our people was to have the prince of Daxam marry the daughter of one of the most prestigious houses in all of Krypton, so we got married on Argo. But since we didn't use the names we go by on Earth, technically, it's not legal." Kara said and Sam nodded.

"Okay, moving on, what's the plan?" Sam asked.

"Well, once we get to the Legion ship, Brainy will use its technology to send you and a small group of us to the Valley of Juru where our first stop will be to find the fountain of Lilith to power you up, since if want to stand a chance of stopping Reign, we need to neutralize her advantage, which is her strength. And as we learned last time, the stronger you get, the weaker she gets." Kara said.

"Maybe you should consider powering up too." Sam said to Kara.

"What?" Kara asked.

"Kara, considering what that fountain was able to do for me, someone who until that year hadn't even considered the possibility of having superpowers, imagine what it could do for someone who's had powers as long as you have." Sam said.

"She's got a point sis. You'd gain a serious power boost." Alex said.

"I don't know. I've always felt that I have all the power I need. I don't see why I should get more." Kara said.

"At least think about it, since you'll only have one chance." Sam said.

"I'll think about it." Kara said.

"Anyways, before we send you guys to the valley, I want to reduce the chances of Reign returning as much as possible." Lena said.

"How?" Sam asked.

"I'm going to separate you and Reign just like I did before, since that's probably the only good use Harun-El's properties have on kryptonians, since while we cannot let Kara touch it under any circumstances, it coming into contact with you should harmlessly sever your connection to Reign, ensuring that she can never escape the valley." Lena said.

"About Julia and Grace?" Sam asked.

"If we're successful, we won't need to worry about them becoming Purity and Pestilence, since we'll deal with them while we're in the valley." Kara said.

"All the more reason for you to power up, since Pestilence was actually able to scratch you. It'll probably come in handy for you to boost your powers, especially since we'll be going to a place with no sun." Sam emphasized.

"She's right Kara. Imagine what you could do if you had Reign's level of power. Who knows, you may even be able to use your powers even when you're not on a planet with a yellow sun." Alex said.

"I don't know." Kara said.

"Kara, why are you so hesitant? Making yourself stronger, that can only be a good thing." Nia asked.

"Except what happens if that power turns me into something even worse than Reign?" Kara asked.

"Kara, that won't happen. It wasn't drinking that water that made Reign what she was. It didn't turn Sam evil and it definitely won't turn you evil. You're a good person with a good heart." Alex said.

"I don't know." Kara said.

"Why don't we wait and see if it actually comes to that." Lena said as she approached Sam with the harun-el injection.

"Okay, just do it quickly." Sam said and Lena nodded as she injected the serum into Sam. For a moment, nothing happened, then, just like before, Sam's entire body glowed as they watched the glow rise off Sam's body, indicating the separation was taking place, though to Sam's relief, this time she remained fully clothed, most likely because this time around, it was Sam who'd been injected, not Reign.

"Okay, now that we've separated you two, let's head to the Legion ship so that we can stop the Worldkillers once and for all." Kara said and they all nodded in agreement, not noticing how the energy that had risen from Sam was not dissipating as it had before, but if anything, was starting to take on its own solid form as it floated out the window and towards a very familiar location that was starting to emerge from the ground in the desert.

"I can't believe I'm really going back there." Sam said.

"Trust me, it's no thrill for me either." Kara said, since she shared Sam's disdain for the valley.

"Well, we're all set. Who's going with Supergirl and Sam?" Brainy asked as he, Lena and Winn finished getting the equipment ready on board the Legion ship.

"I'm going." Mon-El said immediately in a tone that clearly left no room for arguments.

"So am I. Alex and Nia should stay here in case there's another attack, since Cadmus has resurfaced." J'onn said and Alex and Nia both nodded in agreement.

"Okay then, get comfortable and we'll get started." Brainy said as the four of them lied down on the tables and after Brainy got them connected, he activated the machinery and transmitted the four of them to the Valley of Juru.

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