Chapter 7

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A school bus full of kids was hanging off a bridge that had been damaged in the quake and was quickly starting to slip off, the kids screaming in terror as the bus started falling, only to stop suddenly.

They all grinned when they saw a familiar red cape as the bus was pushed safely back onto the road.

"It's Superman!" one boy said, only for the person responsible to float in front of them.

"Not quite." the woman said.

"Who are you?" one young girl asked and the woman smiled.

"I'm Supergirl." Supergirl said with a smile as she flew off to help the rest of National City through the earthquake.

"Supergirl, there's a fire raging on 7th and Wilson, the NCFD will not get there in time to contain it." Lena's voice said in her ear.

"Lena, I didn't realize we had comms." Kara said, surprised.

"The Q-Wave sensor wasn't the only upgrade I made to your suit. Winn and I rigged up a communication frequency and installed in it both of your suits." Lena said.

"Okay, I'm on my way. I have to admit, it is nice to have you in my ear." Kara said.

"Well, we could've been doing that on the old earth if you'd told me sooner." Lena said.

"Whatever. Anyways, I'm on my way. Focus more on helping Dreamer navigate the city, I can use my senses." Kara said.

"Got it." Lena said as she got off comms.

Dreamer was rushing through National City since she hadn't figured out how to fly yet and now did not seem like the ideal time to learn.

"Dreamer, come in." Lena's voice said in her ear.

"Lena, did you install comms?" Nia asked.

"Yep. Look, Supergirl can handle the damages caused by the earthquake, but it seems like the thugs in this city are trying to take advantage of the chaos it caused, so you're on that, since no offense, but that seems more like something your powers can help with." Lena said, right as Dreamer noticed a bit of debris from the broken bridge fall and was about to crush some civilians.

"Hold that thought." Dreamer said as she summoned her dream energy and harnessed it into a lasso and used it to pull the civilians to safety.

"Whoa. Who are you?" one of the guys she saved asked.

"I'm Dreamer." Dreamer said with a grin as she tossed her dream energy like a grappling hook towards the nearest rooftop and swung away.

"You were saying?" Nia asked, since she knew that Lena had been watching through surveillance cameras.

"I stand corrected. Go, I'll help you prioritize with Supergirl and emergency services." Lena said.

"Copy that." Dreamer said as she got to work.

"Today, after being hit by a brutal earthquake, National City was saved by not one, but two new superheroes. While no one knows where they came from or why they chose now to reveal themselves to the world, we can say for sure that we're glad they did, since authorities have confirmed that the damage and casualties would've been much worse." a news reporter said on TV as Kara, Nia, Winn, Lena, Alex, Kelly and J'onn all gathered in Kara's office for a celebratory toast.

"You heard her. This calls for a toast. To Supergirl and Dreamer." Alex said with a smile as they raised their glasses.

"Listen, there's more." Winn said.

"While both of these women are heroes, the one that's really taken National City by storm is the one wearing the same symbol as the man of steel, using very similar powers to him as well and is even calling herself Supergirl, making all of us wonder, what is her connection to the man of steel." the reporter said.

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