Chapter 32

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"What's going on?" Lena asked when she and Alex arrived at the Tower to find they were the last ones there, since Kara, Mon-El, Nia, J'onn, Brainy and Winn had already arrived.

"Non is making his first move to initiate Myriad, I'm still trying to figure out why it took so long for him to do it, since this is the first peep we've heard from him in months." Kara said.

"Maybe he was trying to find a way to reconfigure Myriad, since he probably figures that Astra would've told us how to disable it." Winn suggested.

"We can figure that out once we have him in custody." J'onn said.

"I'm surprised you've stuck at the DEO this long." Kara said.

"Well, Alex's injury made it difficult for me to leave." J'onn said.

"Anyways, back on subject, what is the plan? Where is Non attacking?" Lena asked.

"Obsidian North. Not sure why they changed from Lord Tech, but at least it means we won't have to deal with that arrogant jackass Maxwell Lord. No offense Winn." Kara said.

"None taken. I'm actually hoping I can get my job back at the DEO so I can quit." Winn said.

"Done." J'onn said immediately.

"Great. So, what's the plan?" Winn asked.

"Non is likely going to be planting the first part of Myriad into Obsidian's network. We stop him now and we stop the whole program." Kara said.

"Unless he's found a way to reconfigure it." Brainy pointed out.

"He's got a point. Non would likely have found a way to reconfigure Myriad after Astra defected." Lena agreed.

"That's why you both are going in, since not only are you both two of our brightest minds, but Brainy, you're part computer and Lena, as much as I hate to say it, no one in this room knows more about Myriad and mind control tech then you do." Kara said.

"Okay, so it sounds like we're finally getting to the plan." Alex said.

"A DEO strike team is already en route to Obsidian, but their orders are to get the civilians to safety." J'onn said.

"We'll be the ones doing the actual fighting. Two teams. One will engage the main attack force at the entrance of the facility and the other will use the transmat portal to enter Obsidian's server room, bypassing all the fighting." Kara said.

"Okay, so I'm assuming that Brainy and I will be on that team." Lena said and Kara nodded.

"J'onn, Mon-El and I will be on team offense, Nia and Alex, you two will go with Lena and Brainy to act as defense while they do their thing." Kara said.

"Does that mean I get my bracelet off?" Alex asked hopefully.

"No. Considering that you still haven't mastered super strength yet, no way you're going into the field with your powers yet. Besides, you don't need them." Kara said.

"I know, but they would make this easier." Alex complained.

"The answer is no and that's final. Winn, is the transmat portal locked on?" Kara asked and Winn nodded.

"It is, but why am I not going?" Winn asked.

"We need someone here to run mission control." Kara said and Winn grinned.

"And no one is better at that then me." Winn said.

"Exactly. Now, let's suit up and move out." Kara said.

Obsidian North was in chaos as Non's troops poured in.

"You know your objectives." Non said to his soldiers as he rolled his eyes as the pathetic human authorities rushed towards them.

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