Chapter 14

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Before they left Argo, Alura had pulled J'onn aside.

"What is it?" J'onn asked.

"J'onn, do you think that we should restore Zor-El's memories?" Alura asked.

"What do you mean?" J'onn asked.

"What I mean is that we both know that if Kara still has feelings for Mon-El, it would be easier for them to be together if Zor-El is made aware of the truth. However, I'm not sure if that would work, considering that he died before Kara found Argo the first time around." Alura said and J'onn nodded.

"Kara does still have feelings for Mon-El, since honestly, I think that even though she got over him in the old earth, it was only due to circumstances. Plus, I can also use my powers to bring Zor-El up to speed on what occurred since he died, especially since Kara also knows about Medusa and I'm sure that while she's forgiven her father for creating it, I'm sure that she'd liked to talk to him about it." J'onn said.

"I thought that keeping Zor-El in the dark would be best, but maybe it's better if he does remember the truth, so that he can fully understand the impact both of our actions have had on our daughter." Alura said and J'onn nodded.

"Zor-El, can you come over here?" Alura called her husband away from their ship.

"What is it?" Zor-El asked.

"There are a few things about Kara's life on Earth that Astra did not tell you about, so I'm going to use my psychic powers to bring you up to speed." J'onn said and Zor-El nodded as J'onn used his powers to restore Zor-El's mind to the original universe and also bring him up to speed on what he'd missed since his death.

"That was intense." Zor-El said as he looked at his wife.

"I thought it would be best if you knew the truth. Especially since Kara is bound to have anger pent up towards you when she sees you." Alura said.

"But not you?" Zor-El asked.

"Kara and I cleared the air between us in the old earth. You never had the chance to do so." Alura pointed out.

"Fair enough. How angry will she be at me?" Zor-El asked as he looked at the martian, since it was clear that J'onn knew Kara best.

"She was horrified and disgusted with you when she discovered Medusa. But she slowly came to terms with the fact that both of you were not the people she thought you were and I do think that she forgave you when she discovered that you gave your life to preserve a piece of Argo, but I also know that she will want to confront you about it." J'onn said as Zor-El then turned to where Mon-El was talking to Astra.

"I don't like him anymore." Zor-El said and both J'onn and Alura smiled at that.

"I understand your hesitation Zor-El, but from what Kara told me, she and Mon-El were deeply in love and the only reason they separated was because his mother was very old fashioned and she was forced to give him up to save Earth. He is a good man and he loves our daughter and if she chooses to fall in love with him again, we will be supportive of that." Alura said and Zor-El nodded.

"It's just hard to think that when I see Kara, she'll be old enough to actually fall in love." Zor-El said and both Alura and J'onn nodded.

"You're still going to Mars right?" Alura asked J'onn, who nodded.

"Yes, my father is imprisoned there and Astra has agreed to help me rescue him. Then we are going to return to earth to use the phantom zone projector Kal-El keeps in his hidden fortress to release my brother." J'onn said.

"Well, we'd better leave soon. We've been separated from our daughter long enough." Alura said.

"I have to ask though, why not just stay on Earth?" J'onn asked.

"For one thing, Ms. Luthor has the formula to make Harun-El, which we need to get so that Argo can continue producing the only thing that makes our atmosphere livable." Alura said.

"And the other?" J'onn asked.

"I want to keep an eye on Selena, discover if she's still plotting with the worldkillers and if so, stop her. Once that is done, we will move to Earth for good." Alura said and J'onn nodded.

Kara and Nia were sparring in the Tower as Winn manned the computers, since Lena was still on bedrest after Lex tried to kill her and Alex was running the DEO with J'onn gone, right as the computers beeped.

"What's going on?" Kara asked.

"Scanners detected an incoming alien craft. It's heading for us. And it's not J'onn's ship." Winn said.

"What? Who is it?" Kara asked.

"Unknown." Winn said, right as the building shook slightly.

"They're on the roof." Kara said as she and Nia both held their rings out towards the mannequins their suits were on, only to have them be sucked into the rings, only for them to then have the suits appear on their bodies.

"Let's go see who it is." Supergirl said as she flew out the window of the Tower, with Dreamer, who'd recently figured out how to use her powers to fly, following her up to the roof to see a spaceship land on the roof and it was clear that Supergirl recognized the design.

"It's a kryptonian ship." Kara said.

"Your mom." Nia said and Kara nodded.

"Things have clearly changed, since Argo did not have any ships in the old universe." Kara said, as the ship's hatch opened and to Kara's shock, her mother was not the only one getting off the ship. There were two other people getting off the ship, neither of which she ever thought she'd see again.

"Mom, dad?" Kara asked.

"J'onn restored both of our memories, Kara." Alura said.

"So, you both know the truth?" Kara asked as she looked at her father.

"Yes. J'onn also brought me up to speed on everything that had happened in your life since I died." Zor-El said.

"We'll talk about that later." Kara said as she looked past her parents to see who the last person getting off the ship was and she had to admit, her heart did start racing a bit at who it was.

"Hey Kryptonian." Mon-El said with a slight smile and Kara knew that despite her thinking that she'd moved on from him, she still loved him in her heart. And that was something that likely wouldn't change.

"Daxamite. You're looking well." Kara said as she tried to keep her composure, but she knew she was failing miserably.

"So are you. You look great." Mon-El said and before Kara even knew what she was doing, she sped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much." Kara said as she felt Mon-El hug her just as tightly.

"I missed you too." Mon-El said as they pulled apart slightly to look into each other's eyes and then kissed, both of them feeling happier than they had in a long time in both this universe and the old one.

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