Chapter 29

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"Alright you, freeze." A cop shouted as the NCPD surrounded Reactron.

"You really think that will happen?" Reactron asked as he turned and fired an energy blast at him, but the cops just barely managed to hide behind their cars to protect themselves from the blast.

"I hope to god she shows up." the cop said as they cautiously approached him again.

"Where is she? Where is Supergirl?" Reactron shouted.

"I'm right here." a voice said from the sky and all the cops sighed in relief when they saw Supergirl floating in the sky, though in some kind of exosuit.

"Finally." Reactron said with a grin as he flew up to her.

"Ben Krull." Supergirl said.

"You know my name. Impressive, even your cousin didn't know that." Reactron said.

"I do my research. And what you're doing, it won't bring your wife back." Supergirl said.

"Oh I know that. But it will make Superman suffer." Reactron said as he blasted her, but to his shock, his blasts did not affect her one bit.

"What, how?" Reactron asked.

"A smart hero knows to prepare for anything. Including this." Supergirl said as she flew straight into him and sent him crashing into the ground.

"You really think you can stop me when Superman can't?" Reactron asked, as Supergirl reached down and wrapped her lead covered hand around the power core and removed it, shutting down Reactron's suit.

"And that is how it's done without breaking a sweat." Supergirl said as she held the core in her hand.

"Supergirl, you should get that thing away from the public now. We've already prepared a containment unit for it here." Alex said over the comms.

"I'm on my way." Supergirl said as she flew off.

A few days later was the day Kara was dreading, since her parents were finally returning to Argo, saying that while they had loved their time on Earth, they'd been away from home too long. Luckily, Zor-El, Lena, Winn and Brainy had managed to devise a way to allow easy contact between Earth and Argo, one transmitter being kept at the Tower and the other one being taken back to Argo with Zor-El and Alura.

"I wish you didn't have to leave already." Kara said as she, Mon-El and Clark joined Alura and Zor-El at their ship.

"We'll come back soon and you know to come and visit us on Argo. But we need to return home to Argo. Someone needs to keep an eye on Selena." Alura said as she hugged her daughter.

"I know. But that doesn't make it any easier." Kara said as she turned to her father.

"Thanks to your friends' help, we can communicate in a much easier fashion." Zor-El said and Kara smiled somewhat tearfully.

"Take care of our daughter Mon-El. Or else." Alura said as her eyes glowed in warning.

"Don't worry, I'll protect her with my life. Not that she needs it." Mon-El said as he took his girlfriend's hand.

"No she does not. If anything, I'll be the one who needs protection from her if I hurt her." Mon-El said.

"The threat of dropping a mountain on you is still good. In fact, I believe I still need to do that after revealing the fact that you were married to me on the old earth, since you have to admit, you didn't exactly do it in the best way." Kara said and Mon-El nodded, since he had to admit that was not his finest hour.

"Anyways, Kal, we're trusting you to keep an eye on Kara." Zor-El said to his nephew.

"She doesn't need it. If anything, she'll be the one saving me." Clark said.

"Considering that I can do your job better than you, of course I will." Kara said and Clark rolled his eyes as he hugged his uncle and then his aunt.

"Your parents would be so proud if they could see you now." Zor-El said.

"I hope so." Clark said.

"We will come back for your nuptials with Lois." Alura said.

"I hope so." Clark said as he watched Kara hug her parents one more time and once more silently wished that his own parents were still alive, but he supposed he should count himself lucky that he has Kara and his aunt and uncle.

"We'll see you soon Kara. Remember, no matter what happens, we are with you and we are so proud of you." Alura said and Kara smiled.

"I hate always saying goodbye." Kara said.

"Oh Kara, if that were true, you never would've had those aspirations as a child." Alura said with a smile.

"What aspirations?" Mon-El asked.

"I wanted to join the Exploration Guild on Krypton. I wanted to travel the stars. Maybe even restart the expansion effort." Kara said and Zor-El smiled.

"Perhaps if Krypton hadn't died, you could've." Zor-El said as he hugged his daughter.

"We'll see you soon." Alura said before she and Zor-El finally managed to bring themselves to board the ship and the remaining three watched as the ship took off and Kara had to stop the tears from falling as she watched her parents fly away, though it was a little easier knowing that she'd see them again.

"You okay?" Clark asked her and Kara nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Kara said.

"Good, because I have to ask, was that article you posted about you taking down Reactron really necessary?" Clark asked and Kara rolled her eyes before grinning.

"Absolutely. And that reminds me, there's something else I wanted to talk to you about." Kara said.

"Okay and that is?" Clark asked.

"I'll give you one guess where I'm planning to open my next office." Kara said.

"Metropolis. Kara, you can't, the Daily Planet has already been losing subscribers to Danvers Daily News and if you open an office there." Clark said.

"I know that, that's why I'm planning on opening the office in Metropolis, since we both know that it's only a matter of time until the Planet goes under. This way all those employees will have a job waiting for them that won't require them to relocate." Kara said, since she honestly did feel a little guilty about what her newspaper was doing to the Daily Planet, so this seemed like a good compromise.

"You're always one step ahead." Clark said and Kara nodded.

"Yes, well, I want to offer you and Lois jobs as co editors of my new Metropolis branch, though I will probably pay her a little more." Kara said and they both chuckled, remembering that conversation from the old reality.

"I'll talk to Lois and give you a definite answer when you come out to Metropolis next weekend for bridesmaid dress shopping." Clark said and Kara nodded as she and Mon-El watched Clark fly away back towards Metropolis.

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