Chapter 19

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"I wish you didn't have to leave so soon aunt Astra." Kara said as she, her mom, J'onn and M'yrnn escorted Astra and Malefic to J'onn's ship.

"Look at it this way my little one. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can come back. This isn't goodbye forever. While I don't know when or how it will be, we will see each other again." Astra promised her.

"Okay." Kara said as she hugged her aunt tightly.

"Take care my sister. I am so proud of how far you've come." Alura said as she hugged her sister.

"I will bring honor to our house." Astra said.

"I know you will." Alura said as she hugged her sister.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets back in one piece." Malefic said.

"Please, if anything she'll be the one saving your green ass." Kara said as J'onn and Alura chuckled.

"She's not wrong." Astra said as Malefic turned to his father.

"I will make you proud father." Malefic said and M'yrnn smiled at him.

"You already have my son. You came back to face your past and now you're going to set things right." M'yrnn told him and Malefic smiled as he hugged his father before turning to his brother.

"Thank you for giving me a chance." J'onn said.

"Thank you for reminding me of what's really important." Malefic said and J'onn smiled as the two brother's hugged.

"By the way, M'gann, she's an amazing woman. One who doesn't deserve a lover who's on another planet." Malefic said with a smile.

"Try anything and you'll wish I'd left you in the Phantom Zone." J'onn threatened, but there was no real threat in his words and Kara smiled at the joking nature of the two.

"Relax, I wouldn't dare." Malefic promised.

"Good. Tell her I'll see her soon. I'm sure that between the three of you, Mars will finally know peace." J'onn said with a smile as he hugged his brother again before watching him and Astra get into the ship and fly off.

"So, what now?" Alura asked.

"Now, we make the most of the time we have left before you and dad go back to Argo. Remind me again about why you're doing that?" Kara asked her mother as J'onn and M'yrnn flew off.

"Well for one thing, we need to deliver your friend Lena's formula for making Harun-El to Argo so that our people can begin making an indefinite supply of the substance to maintain Argo's shield. But more importantly, I want to keep a closer eye on Selena, since if I can find proof of her and the other children of Juda Kal creating the worldkillers, then they will be arrested and maybe will stop the worldkillers before they are even activated. What is your plan for that by the way?" Alura asked.

"We can't be certain that the worldkillers are the same people they were before. Until we have confirmation, we can't risk using the Harun-El on the same people they were before unless we wanted to risk turning innocent people into additional worldkillers, we're going to have to wait for them to make the first move. No matter how much I don't want to." Kara said and Alura nodded as they took off and headed back to the Tower.

"What's going on?" Kara asked when they arrived at the tower to find computers beeping.

"What is that?" Alura asked.

"I'm not sure." Kara said as she rushed over to the computers to find out what was going on.

"What is this?" Kara asked as she saw it was some kind of tracking program that was going off, but she couldn't believe what it was tracking. Or rather, who it was tracking.

"I have to go." Kara said as she began programming the coordinates into the transmatter portal.

"Kara, where are you going?" Alura asked.

"This program has been trying to track down my foster father Jeremiah Danvers. He's been missing for years and we thought he was dead." Kara said.

"What do you mean?" Alura asked.

"When I came to earth, Alex's parents, Jeremiah and Eliza, took me in, since they were the ones who helped Kal-El learn to understand his own powers. About a year later, the DEO, which was a lot different back then than it is now, found out about me and in order to keep the real Hank Henshaw from taking me in and experimenting on me, Jeremiah agreed to work for the DEO. We thought he died not long after on the mission that was actually to kill J'onn. Things didn't go as planned when Jeremiah realized that J'onn wasn't a threat, but a refugee like me, so he turned on Henshaw and we thought they both died in the process and J'onn took on Henshaw's appearance to reform the DEO to it's true purpose. But it turns out that the anti alien organization Lena's adopted mother Lillian, who shares the same ideals as her son, who is Kal's greatest enemy, found them both in the jungle and saved them. She forced Jeremiah to work for her under the threat of killing Eliza, Alex and myself. We found out he was alive around a year after I became Supergirl on the old earth and we've been searching for him ever since. We found him, but it turned out to be a Cadmus trap, but he came to his senses and escaped and we haven't found any trace of him since." Kara said.

"And now you've found him." Alura said and Kara nodded.

"And now I'm going to bring him home." Kara said as she also sent out a message to the other superfriends to get to the Tower immediately.

"Okay Kara, what was so important that we all had to rush here in the middle of the night?" Alex asked as she, J'onn, Nia, Winn and Mon-El, entered the Tower.

"We've found Jeremiah." Kara said simply, causing Alex to turn to face her and Kara could tell that she had her sister's full attention now, that she didn't have it before.

"Huh, it actually worked." Winn said, causing all eyes to turn to him.

"What worked?" Alex asked.

"Lena and I decided to create a satellite search program to search for him using basically every satellite orbiting the planet and we didn't tell you because we didn't want to get your hopes up in case it didn't work." Winn said and Kara and Alex both nodded.

"So, where is he?" Alex asked.

"Peru. Not far from where he and J'onn first met." Kara said.

"But what if it's another trap?" Mon-El asked.

"Why do you think I called in the team before rushing out there. We're not leaving empty handed. Suit up" Kara said as she and Nia both activated their suits and J'onn shifted to his martian form.

"I don't have a suit." Mon-El said.

"Actually, you do." Winn said as he tossed a ring to Mon-El.

"Just finished it. I think you'll find the design very familiar." Winn said as Mon-El saw that the ring resembled a Legion Ring.

"Nice." Mon-El said as he slid it on and after activating it, the Q-waves synced up with his subconscious, since while Lena was still on bedrest from her brother's attack, she had given Winn her plans for the Q-Wave suit rings and Winn had used the knowledge he'd gained from the future to modify it to serve as a 21st century version of Legion ring, and after a flash of light, Mon-El was in his red and blue suit.

"Nice." Mon-El said.

"That's not the best part. The best part is that the ring will also allow you to fly, thanks to both my time spent in the future and some tech I've been developing at Lord Technologies." Winn said.

"Great, so now I'm the only member of this team who doesn't have a super suit, fly or have any kind of powers." Alex said and Kara rolled her eyes.

"What about Winn?" Kara asked.

"I meant out of the people on this team who go into the field." Alex said and Kara nodded.

"That just makes you even more of a badass when you win." Kara said and Alex nodded, happy with that before going to strap up with gear from the armory as Winn powered up the transmat portal.

"Come on, remember, we're not coming back empty handed." Kara said as Alex joined them.

"Let's go." Kara said as the portal turned on and the superfriends walked through it.

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