Chapter 21

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Supergirl, J'onn, Dreamer and Mon-El proceeded to fight their way through the Cadmus facility and Supergirl was very glad that Lena had built her the kryptonite suit and it was clear that these Cadmus agents had been depending on the alien power dampeners and and their kryptonite reserves, since they weren't even that decent fighters compared to the training the four of them until they finally arrived at the computer hub.

"We're in." Supergirl said as she planted the hacker.

"Uhg, too many firewalls. It would take me at least an hour to hack into the system even if I was on site." Winn complained and then Supergirl got an idea.

"What if you could make the system think that you were Cadmus?" Supergirl asked.

"What do you mean?" Dreamer asked.

"Winn, you rigged a remote to let me control Henshaw during the Daxamite invasion, you could do it again." Supergirl said.

"I'm on it. I'll have Alex plan the bug on him and bring him there, since she's gotten Jeremiah stabilized." Winn said.

"Copy. Please tell Alex to be careful." Supergirl said, since honestly, there were few she'd be able to stand losing more than her sister.

"Why would she start now?" Winn asked and Kara smirked when she heard a slapping sound.

"Seriously Alex?" Winn complained.

"You should've waited until she left to say that." Supergirl said, though she agreed with Winn about Alex.

"I'm heading out Kara." Alex said.

"Be careful Alex." Supergirl said.

"I will." Alex promised as she walked through the portal.

When Alex returned to the jungle, she was surprised to find that Henshaw was gone. Considering how much force Kara had put into her attack on him would've been enough to have rendered him still knocked out, even with his cybernetics.

"Where are you Henshaw?" Alex asked, only to dodge just in time to avoid a blast of heat vision and turned to see Hank Henshaw, already back on his feet.

"You looking for me?" Henshaw asked from where he stood.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed. After the attack my sister dealt you, I thought you'd still be out cold." Alex said.

"Please, every bit of my hardware was designed to be able to deal with creatures like her. Why you'd call that parasite your sister is beyond me." Henshaw said and Alex glared at him.

"No one insults my sister like that and gets away unscathed. And after what you put my father through already, you're lucky that my sister needs you operational. However, she never said you have to be unscathed." Alex said as she pulled out her gun and fired at Henshaw, who simply shrugged off the bullets.

"You really think bullets are going to work against me?" Henshaw asked.

"I figured we won't know if we don't try and now we know." Alex said, since it appeared that Henshaw's upgrades were much tougher than they had been in the old universe.

"I'll give one chance. Stand down and I'll be merciful. Otherwise, well, lets just say your mother will be throwing a funeral after all." Henshaw said.

"You already know my answer." Alex said.

"Yep, just thought I'd try being merciful. Thank you for giving me an excuse to do this." Henshaw said as he fired at Alex again, but this time, she wasn't able to dodge in time as she felt the heat vision blast through her DEO gear and send her flying back and knocking her into a tree, causing her to let out a scream of pain before she blacked out and actually started bleeding out.

"One down, three to go." Henshaw said as he turned around, only to find himself on the receiving end of a super speed indestructible fist, sending him flying.

"That was a mistake. No one hurts my sister." Supergirl snarled at him angrily as she retracted her kryptonite suit so Henshaw could see the anger on her face.

"She's not your sister. She's a traitor to our species and you're nothing more than a parasitic leech." Henshaw said.

"And you are nothing more than a bunch of circuits posing a monster in human skin." Supergirl said as she proceeded to slam her fist into Henshaw's head as hard as she could short of killing him before getting on the comms.

"J'onn, you're in charge of this operation now. Get Henshaw for what you need him for." Supergirl said over the comms.

"What's wrong?" J'onn asked.

"Alex is hurt badly. I need to get her back to the Tower." Supergirl said.

"Go. She's more important. Mon-El, Dreamer and I will handle this. Let me know if you need anything." J'onn said and Supergirl could hear the anger in his voice.

"Just promise me that once Henshaw is no longer useful to you, that whatever you do to him, make it hurt as much as possible." Supergirl said.

"Oh trust me, I will." J'onn said.

"Winn, open up the portal now." Supergirl said.

"On it." Winn said as Kara rushed over to her sister and did a quick x-ray vision scan to see that Alex had several serious injuries, right as the portal opened up and Kara picked her sister up carefully and rushed her through.

When J'onn returned to the data center of the Cadmus facility, he tossed Henshaw to the ground.

"Winn, how is Alex?" Mon-El asked Dreamer, since he knew how devastated Kara was and how much more devastated she would be if Alex didn't make it.

"Her injuries are too extensive for our equipment to treat. Kara took her to National City Hospital." Winn said.

"What about Jeremiah?" J'onn asked.

"He's recovering." Winn said.

"We'll be by to check on them both once we're done here." Dreamer said.

"Copy that. J'onn, did you plant the bug I made on Henshaw?" Winn asked.

"Yep, what do we do now?" J'onn asked.

"Just plug him into the data core and I can use the bug to make him access the database and give me remote access to it. Once the uplink is complete, you can tear his arm off for all I care." Winn said.

"Don't tempt me." J'onn said darkly as he gripped the arm he knew contained Henshaws cybernetic port and connected him to the mainframe and after a few minutes, Winn came over the comms.

"Okay, I'm in and the power dampeners are now disabled. However, there is something you guys should see." Winn said.

"What?" Dreamer asked as Winn accessed the cameras.

"I was going through the log of the prisoners and you guys should look at this." Winn said as he remotely pulled up surveillance footage of one of the cells and Dreamer was especially shocked at who it was.

"Is that Brainy?" Dreamer asked.

"Looks like it." J'onn said.

"J'onn, what should we do?" Mon-El asked.

"Mon-El see if you can find transportation to get these prisoners out of here. Dreamer and I will get to Brainy. If it is him, I'll restore his memories and we'll get him back to the Tower. Winn, once Mon-El has found transportation, use the PA system to direct the prisoners to the transport. You get those aliens to the DEO and then meet us there." J'onn said and Mon-El and Dreamer both nodded as they headed out of the security center to their different missions.

Don't worry, I am not killing off Alex, but what I'm doing with her is setting up an arc that I've been wanting to do for awhile. You'll understand soon enough.

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