Chapter 24

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"Any idea why Brainy hasn't woken up yet?" Nia asked Winn as he attempted to reboot Brainy.

"No. Fortunately, fixing Brainy is a bit easier for me to do then it is any of the rest of you." Winn said.

"What do you mean?" Nia asked.

"Well, Coluans are basically walking, talking and sometimes annoying computers, which means that I can run a computer diagnostic on him and if all else fails, I should be able to restore his operating system, But first, I'm going to see if I can figure out what's causing this malfunction, since Brainy should've woken up by now." Winn said.

"Don't talk about him like a computer. He's still a living being." Nia said.

"I know that Nia, but while he is that, he's also basically a computer. Anyways, I'll see if I can pinpoint the problem." Winn said as Nia's phone rang.

"Kara, hey, sorry we haven't made it to the hospital yet, Mon-El's on his way there now. How's Alex?" Nia asked.

"Paralyzed from the waist down, but we've got an idea on how to remedy that. How's Brainy?" Kara asked.

"Still unconscious, Winn is trying to figure out how to wake him up." Nia said.

"Keep me posted." Kara said.

"I will. Best wishes to Alex in her recovery. And good luck to all those dealing with her rehab." Nia said, smirking, knowing that Alex would likely be a nightmare as she recovered.

"Wipe the smirk off your face or your next assignment as both a Superfriend and one of my reporters will be to wait on Alex hand and foot." Kara said, not even needing to see Nia or hear the smirk in her voice to know it was there.

"Sorry, but come one, we both know that Alex is going to be a nightmare while she adjusts." Nia said.

"I know. God bless Kelly for offering to stay with Alex while she recovers." Kara said.

"So, how exactly are you planning on curing Alex's paralysis?" Nia asked curiously.

"The same way we cured James after Lex had him shot." Kara said.

"You're going to use the harun-el to cure her." Nia said.

"After my dad refines Lena's formula, yes, we are. And honestly, I'm not just using it to heal her. Ever since I found out that Alex works for the DEO, I've been worried that something like this would happen." Kara said.

"So you're using the harun-el to give her powers." Nia said.

"Exactly. And not just any powers, I'm giving her kryptonian powers, since I know that she's always been jealous of mine." Kara said.

"Not to mention it would allow for some role reversal, since you'd be the one training Alex instead of it being the other way around." Nia said.

"Yeah, I am looking forward to that. But anyways, good luck with Brainy." Kara said.

"Thanks. I'll come see Alex as soon as I can." Nia said as she hung up before turning to Winn.

"Any luck.

"Actually yeah. I think I figured out what the problem is. Brainy's dots have to go." Winn said.

"Wait what?" Nia asked.

"They're personality inhibitors, I don't know why he wears him, but I discovered that while I was in the future and they're keeping him from being properly calibrated with the Coluan Hive mind and it's also preventing his system from properly integrating the new memories into his old ones. If I remove the inhibitors, it should recalibrate Brainy's system and solve those issues." Winn said.

"How do you know so much about Coluan physiology?" Nia asked.

"I studied it while I was in the future, since how could I stop Brainy's cousin, a Coluan, if I didn't understand not only their AIs, but also their physiology." Winn asked.

"Fair point." Nia said as Winn put gloves on and then walked over to Brainy's head and proceeded to carefully remove each of his inhibitors and Nia was surprised as she watched Brainy's skin turn from blue to green and his hair turned from white to blonde.

"Okay, I was not expecting that." Nia said.

"Yeah. Anyways, I'm running a diagnostic and it looks like removing the inhibitors did the trick. Brainy should wake up anytime now." Winn said, right as Brainy woke up.

"What is going on. Why is my hand green?" Brainy asked as his hand reached up to his forehead and found that his personality inhibitors were gone.

"We had to remove your inhibitors to properly reboot you with your memories of both timelines." Nia explained.

"Well thank you, but can I have them back now?" Brainy asked.

"Why would you want to put them back on?" Nia asked.

"Winn, I'm assuming you've been made aware of my ancestor's less than savory past?" Brainy asked and Winn nodded.

"You mean how you guys shrink planets and shove them in bottles?" Winn asked a bit insensitively.

"Yes, that." Brainy said, shooting Winn a look that he quickly read as shut up.

"Wait what?" Nia asked and Brainy sighed.

"Yes. An unfortunate common practice of my ancestors was to shrink down and bottle planets." Brainy said, ashamed.

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain anything." Nia said, trying to wrap her head around the idea.

"When I was young, I went on a trip with my parents. It was beautiful and the snow, I'd never seen it before. I never wanted to leave, so my mother, she bottled the planet for me." Brainy said.

"What?" Nia asked.

"Yes and when my father found out, he was horrified. So he freed the planet and I was so young and angry at him for taking my planet away. That anger, it terrified him, he was afraid I would become like my mother, so he placed those inhibitors on me. I continue to wear them to this day to protect the people I love from that darkness." Brainy said.

"Brainy, no offense to your father, but he did things wrong. Inhibiting your personality is not the right way to deal with something like that. If you're not allowed to fully be yourself, then you're not fully living your life. I understand that you think there is a darkness in you, but here's a newsflash for you, we all have that same kind of darkness inside us. And the reason we don't succumb to it isn't because we try to stop ourselves from feeling emotions. We have the people close to us to keep us from succumbing to that darkness. So please, let us be that for you." Nia said.

"Okay. I guess I can't be a productive member of the Superfriends if I'm functioning at full capacity." Brainy said and Nia nodded.

"Plus, it might be easier for you to find balance in a relationship if you're not always forced to function at an all or nothing capacity." Nia said.

"So, you still want to be in a relationship with me?" Brainy asked and Nia nodded.

"I want to help you find out who this new Brainy is. I have a feeling I'm going to like him." Nia said with a smile as she hugged him.

I know some of you were expecting Winn and Nia to pair up and honestly, that is what I was originally planning on doing, but after I decided to bring Brainy into this story, I decided to go with the canon Nia and Brainy pairing. Sorry to disappoint any of you who were hoping for Winn and Nia, but I'm not changing it, so please, don't start complaining about it.

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