Chapter 16

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When they arrived at the White Martian Resistance base, J'onn was confused about what it was that M'gann was hiding from him, but he was hoping that not that they were at the base, maybe he'd get some answers.

"Okay M'gann what exactly are you hiding from me?" J'onn asked.

"Like I told you J'onn, it's a surprise. And honestly, you wouldn't have believed me if I told you. It's something you'd need to see for yourself." M'gann said.

"Okay, but what is it?" J'onn asked.

"There are two freedom fighters I want you to meet." M'gann said, confusing him further until he saw who was approaching them.

"It can't be." J'onn said as he saw two female green martians, both of whom looked as though they were in their teenage years, approach them. But it wasn't the fact that they were green martians that shocked him. It was who they were that shocked him.

"J'onn, you know them?" Astra asked him.

"Yes, I do." J'onn said, still trying to wrap his head around it.

"M'gann, who are they and how does he know us?" one of the green martians said as J'onn then shifted to his green martian form and now both of the other green martians had similar reactions that he had held when he first saw them.

"Father?" one of the girls said.

"K'hym, T'ania." J'onn said tearfully as he rushed up and pulled both of his daughters into his arms and held them tightly.

"How, we thought you were dead." T'ania asked.

"I thought the same of you. I thought that you both had died at the camp." J'onn said.

"M'gann saved us. She tried to get us and mother out of the camp, but we were ambushed." K'hym said as J'onn looked over at M'gann.

"We were ambushed by the worst of the whites during our escape. M'yri'ah told me to get her children to safety while she bought us time. I tried to protest, but she insisted that her children's survival was more important than her own. I have lived with the shame of my failure since." M'gann said.

"Don't, you did as she wanted and you saved K'hym and T'ania. You did a better job of protecting my daughters than I did. I am forever in your debt." J'onn said.

"But what about you father? How did you escape?" T'ania asked.

"To this day, I still do not know. I managed to get lucky and escaped the camp. I fled to Earth and until recently, I hid there, living in my shame. I should've known you survived." J'onn said, trying to figure out how he hadn't sensed them.

"Do not blame yourself J'onn. After I rescued the girls, I taught them to suppress their psychic signatures to prevent the whites from locating them." M'gann explained and J'onn nodded at her gratefully.

"I'm here because I sensed my father was alive as well. I came here to get him and bring him back to Earth with me and now both of you are coming as well." J'onn said.

"Father, we cannot leave our home." K'hym protested.

"No girls, he's right. If I'd known your father was alive, I would've sent you both to him for your safety. Besides, Earth is a wonderful planet to call home. From what I've heard." M'gann said.

"But we will come back right?" T'ania asked.

"Of course we will. But for now, my priority is getting you two and my father to safety." J'onn said.

"I'll take you to M'yrnn." M'gann said and J'onn nodded as she led him to a side chamber where he found his father waiting.

"Give us a minute so I can restore his mind. He needs to know what I did." J'onn said.

"He understood before. He will again." M'gann said as J'onn nodded as he walked up to his father.

"My son. You have returned." M'yrnn said, surprising J'onn, since M'yrnn had refused to believe he was really J'onn right away.

"I have. I'm surprised you're so quick to accept that." J'onn said.

"My grandchildren are alive. Something I once thought to be impossible, but if they are alive, then I see no reason to reject the idea that you survived as well." M'yrnn said as they hugged.

"Father, I have missed you so much." J'onn said tearfully.

"And I have missed you my son. How I have dreamed of this reunion." M'yrnn said and J'onn took a deep breath.

"Father, there is something else I must tell you. Or rather, show you. If you'll let me in?" J'onn asked and M'yrnn nodded as J'onn took a deep breath before restoring his father's memories of both the old universe and more importantly, Malefic.

When he was done, he looked at his father, but was still a little shocked at his smile.

"You're not angry at me for what I did?" J'onn asked.

"I already told you J'onn. All you did was alleviate this old man's pain and what I am proud of is that you succeeded where I failed. You got through to Malefic and brought him back into our family." M'yrnn said and J'onn smiled.

"And when we return to Earth, I intend to release Malefic from the Phantom Zone and restore his mind as I did your's and M'gann's so that you may make your peace with him in person and because I believe he may be the key to finally ending this war between the Green and White Martians." J'onn said and M'yrnn smiled.

"You truly have become your own version of a man of peace." M'yrnn said.

"I am doing my best. But, are you ready to leave yet?" J'onn asked.

"You cannot leave yet." M'yrnn said.

"Why not?" J'onn asked.

"You must retrieve the staff of Kolar. You cannot allow it to remain here for the time being." M'yrnn said and J'onn nodded.

While they waited for Kal-El to arrive, Zor-El decided that it was time to have a talk with his daughter.

"Kara, can I talk to you for a moment, alone?" Zor-El asked and since Kara had an idea on what this was about, she nodded as she guided her father over to a more private corner of the tower.

"What do you want to talk about?" Kara asked.

"J'onn told me how you reacted when you learned about Medusa." Zor-El said and Kara sighed.

"Dad, I was horrified when I learned what you did. You always told me that you were saving lives, but I guess that the only lives you cared about were kryptonian ones." Kara said.

"I know. Your uncle Zor-El had a very similar reaction when he learned of Medusa's existence. But I truly believed that what I was doing was right." Zor-El said.

"Mom said the same thing about sentencing Aunt Astra and countless other people to Fort Rozz, many of them for minor offenses. It doesn't make what you did any less terrible. Did you even think about what would happen if an enemy got their hands on Medusa and reworked it so that it could be used against Krypton. Your perfect weapon could've become the perfect weapon to use against any planet if it fell into the wrong hands with the right knowledge?" Kara shouted at him and Zor-El simply looked down in shame, knowing there was truth in every word she said.

"Kara, just like your mother, I had a lot of time to reflect on my previous actions after Krypton's end. I regret that I created Medusa and every other thing I've done. It was only after we lost you and everything else that I realized how wrong I was. I am sorry." Zor-El said as Kara calmed herself down.

"I know you are. And I forgave you for what you did after I learned that you gave your life to preserve Argo City. But still, I never realized how much I needed to get that off my chest until you brought it up." Kara said.

"I understand." Zor-El said and they continued talking while they waited for Kal-El to arrive.

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