Chapter 26

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When Kara returned to National City, the first thing she did was visit Alex before she went home.

However, when she arrived at Alex's apartment, she found Kelly waiting for her.

"Kelly, how's Alex?" Kara asked.

"Asleep. Look Kara, I know you want to see Alex, but it's been a long week and she just fell asleep." Kelly said and now Kara could see just how exhausted Kelly was.

"How difficult has she been?" Kara asked.

"Let's just say I expect compensation considering how rich you are now." Kelly said and Kara softly chuckled.

"Just send me a bill." Kara said.

"But seriously Kara, can you please wait until tomorrow to see Alex? I've been taking care of her all week and while I love her, I need a break." Kelly said.

"I get it. I'd offer to take over, but." Kara said, trailing off.

"Yeah, Alex needs a caretaker that doesn't have to take off at a moment's notice." Kelly said.

"Well, maybe we should do everyone a favor and not wait until my dad has stabilized the harun-el permanently." Kara said.

"Are you saying you want to inject Alex with the normal formula?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah, I mean, it would still heal her, we'd just have to keep having her take the serum until my dad can stabilize it." Kara said.

"I'm all for it, since honestly, I hate seeing Alex feel so depressed and it would be nice to not have to worry about her overexerting herself again." Kelly said.

"Okay, I'll call Lena tomorrow and ask her to bring the normal serum to my office." Kara said and Kelly nodded.

"Alex and I will be there tomorrow and I'm sure we'll all be relieved when she can walk again." Kelly said.

"Not to mention fly." Kara said.

"Yeah, still trying to wrap my head around that." Kelly said and Kara grinned.

"Well, I'm heading home. I'll see you tomorrow." Kara said, since she was honestly exhausted and wanted to get some sleep.

The next morning, when Kara arrived at her office, she called Lena, who agreed to bring the imperfect serum to the Tower, since she kept a few extra vials on hand in case they needed it.

While she waited for Lena, Alex and Kelly to arrive, Kara sat down at her desk and opened her laptop to find she'd gotten a new email from Felicity and when she opened it, she found that it just contained a single message. Found this in the data from the ASA.

With a large file attachment included and when Kara attempted to open it, she found it was encrypted.

"Well, whatever this is, it's got to be good." Kara said, making a note to ask Lena to run her decryption program to crack it.

"What's got to be good?" Lena asked as she entered the office.

"Just the woman I wanted to see." Kara said.

"Yeah, I brought the serum." Lena said.

"Well yes, but I could also use your decryption skills." Kara said.

"For what?" Lena asked.

"This." Kara said as she showed Lena the file.

"Your friend Felicity encrypted the file?" Lena asked.

"Whatever it contains, it must be important if she didn't want to risk anyone else getting their hands on it." Kara said.

"Luckily, Winn and I built a decryption program into the Tower's system that should be able to crack this in about a minute." Lena said.

"Perfect." Kara said.

"What's perfect?" Alex asked as Kelly wheeled her into the office.

"Hey sis, how are you feeling?" Kara asked.

"Well, I can't feel anything below my waist, but besides that, I'm fine." Alex said.

"Actually, today is your last day being paralyzed." Kara said.

"Wait, did your dad stabilize it already?"Alex asked.

"No, but we can use the normal serum to temporarily cure you until my dad is able to make it permanent." Kara said.

"Is it safe?" Alex asked.

"We know it works from when I used it on James, you'll just need to take additional doses of it until Kara's dad finds a way to make it permanent." Lena said.

"Well, at least I'll be able to walk again, among other things." Alex said.

"Okay then, let's head upstairs so we can monitor your vitals while the process takes place." Lena said and Alex nodded as Kara made sure the office was empty before pressing the button that opened the secret elevator that took them up to the tower.

"Good timing." Zor-El said to his daughter as she and her friends entered the tower.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked her father.

"I think I've found a way to stabilize the harun-el in Alex." Zor-El said.

"How?" Kara asked.

"Actually Kara, it involves you." Zor-El said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"Well, I believe that if Alex receives a transfusion of kryptonian blood and the harun-el serum at the same time, it should alter Alex's DNA and it will actually wrap kryptonian DNA into it." Zor-El said.

"Wait, you mean you'd basically be turning me into a kryptonian?" Alex asked, a bit concerned about changing her species all together.

"No, you'd still have human DNA, it would just become mixed with kryptonian DNA. You'd only be half kryptonian, but still half human, everything that makes you you will remain the same." Zor-El said.

"So, basically you'd be turning me into a kryptonian-human hybrid." Alex said.

"Exactly." Zor-El said.

"How dangerous is this?" Kara asked.

"Well, it won't be a painless procedure, but if we flood Alex's system with yellow sunlight, it should help jumpstart her new kryptonian DNA and start manifesting her powers sooner." Zor-El said.

"Okay, but I still don't see what this has to do with me?" Kara asked.

"Well, I thought that you'd want to be the one to give Alex the blood transfusion, since it would make you sisters in blood." Zor-El said.

"Absolutely." Kara said immediately.

"Okay then, Alex, do you want to do this?" Zor-El asked and Alex nodded.

"It'll be nice to not only be able to walk again, but also be able to fly." Alex said.

"You're not going into the field until I've taught you how to use every single one of your new powers and I'm going to make sure that J'onn agrees to that too." Kara said.

"Seriously?" Alex complained, since she didn't even have powers yet and Kara was already telling her how to use them.

"I'm serious Alex. And it's not just powers either. Fighting as a human is one thing, but fighting with superpowers, that's something else entirely. Basically, it's going to be a role reversal from when I first became Supergirl. I'm the teacher and you're the student." Kara said.

"Great. But all that aside, I do want to do this, so let's get started." Alex said.

"Okay then, first, Kara, I'll need to take a sample of your blood." Zor-El said

"While you do that, I'm going to start running the decryption program on the file Felicity sent you." Lena said as they moved to get the procedure started.

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