Chapter 5

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When Kara and Nia returned to National City and entered Kara's office, they were surprised to find someone else waiting for them.

"Hey Superfriends." Winn Schott said and Kara smiled as she hugged her best friend.

"It is so good to see you." Kara said.

"You too. And I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that this time, I plan on staying in the present." Winn said and Kara smiled.

"Aren't you going to miss the future?" Kara asked.

"Well yes, but honestly, there was always something missing while I was there. And that was my family. Which is exactly what you, Alex, J'onn and James are. Besides, my father is still alive now and I need to be here to help put him behind bars." Winn said and Kara nodded.

"You should know that James is actually in Calvintown. That town needs Guardian more than National City does." Kara said.

"Okay, but still, please tell me we'll eventually do some kind of team up, the original superfriends." Winn said and Kara smiled.

"Don't worry, we will." Kara promised, right as Nia coughed.

"Right sorry. Winn, this is Nia Nal. Our newest recruit. Nia, this is Winn Schott, he's a founding member of the team. He was a tech guy before he and Brainy switched teams." Kara said.

"Nice to meet you." Nia said as she held out her hand, which Winn shook.

"You too." Winn said.

"So, where do you work now?" Kara asked, since Catco was not in National City now.

"Actually, I work for Lord Technologies now." Winn said.

"Which makes you our inside man in dealing with Maxwell Lord. We need to make sure that he doesn't make the same mistakes he did before." Kara said and Winn nodded.

"I'm sorry, what am I missing?" Nia asked.

"Right. Maxwell Lord was kind of a secondary villain Kara's first year as Supergirl until they eventually came to an agreement and became frenemies." Winn said.

"He helped me beat Myriad, but yeah. I'd rather like to avoid having to toss him into a DEO prison for a few weeks and then keep him quiet by blackmailing him." Kara said.

"But yeah don't worry, I will keep an eye on Lord. Now, on a different topic, when can I start making your suit?" Winn asked.

"Sorry Winn, but I already have someone else working on my suit. I do have something else you can work on in the meantime." Kara said.

"Like what?" Winn asked.

"A base of operations." Kara said with a smile and Winn grinned, instantly forgetting his disappointment that he couldn't make Kara's suit, more than happy with building a base instead.

"Where do you want it?" Winn asked.

"The upper floor of this building. I've been trying to figure out what to do with that empty space since I own the whole building and now I know. We'll turn it into a base of operations for the Superfriends." Kara said and Winn nodded.

"I'll head up there now to start looking around so I know what I'm working with." Winn said and Kara nodded as he walked up.

"Wow, he's cute." Nia said.

"I thought you were interested in Brainy." Kara asked and Nia shrugged.

"Brainy was nice, but honestly, it was kind of complicated being with someone who was part computer. I think dating a human will be easier. Besides, Brainy is in the 31st century right now and I don't intend to waste my life pining after a guy that I might never end up seeing again." Nia said and Kara nodded in understanding.

"I guess I can understand that." Kara said.

"So what about you?" Nia asked and Kara shrugged.

"I'm not sure if I'll ever find that someone. My relationships seem to have a tendency to end badly." Kara said.

"Really." Nia said.

"Yeah I mean, Cat Grant's son Adam, James, Mon-El, they all ended up with me getting my heart broken." Kara said.

"Don't give up. I'm sure you'll find someone eventually. And in the meantime, you have me and Alex to watch your back." Nia said.

"Where is Alex anyways?" Kara asked, since she was surprised her sister wasn't waiting for them.

Alex was currently at Al's bar, trying to drown her sorrows, since ever since J'onn had restored her memories, Alex had started using the DEO's facial recognition technology to try and find Kelly in National City, she knew J'onn was pretending not to notice it when she did, but she hadn't found her.

"Hey Al, can I get another beer?" Alex asked him.

"Sorry Alex, but I think you've had enough." Al said, genuinely worried about her.

"Please Al." Alex said.

"I think Al's right Alex." J'onn said as he walked up to her.

"Hank, what are you doing here?" Alex asked, remembering not to call J'onn by his real name yet.

"Because I care about you and I think that you'd want to be somewhat sober for who I've brought with me." J'onn said and before Alex could ask what he meant, she actually smiled when J'onn moved out of the way to reveal Kelly standing there.

"Kelly." Alex asked.

"It's nice to see how much you miss me Alex." Kelly said with a smile as she took Alex's hand in her own.

"I searched all of National City for you, but I couldn't find you." Alex said.

"That's because I wasn't in National City until yesterday. I actually just moved to National City." Kelly said and Alex smiled at her.

"So, you wanna play a game of pool?" Alex asked and Kelly smiled.

"I'd love to." Kelly said and Alex smiled as they walked towards the pool table.

In my version, Winn did not get married or have a child in the future for the sake of this story.

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