Chapter 33

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After the malware had been uploaded into Brainy's AI core, he felt his internal security systems putting up a fight to protect his systems from the malware, he proceeded to use his telepathic crown to transfer both his and Dreamer's consciousnesses into the Obsidian mainframe.

"Wow, so this is the Obsidian mainframe. Not what I expected." Dreamer said, since it honestly looked a lot like the Obsidian server room they'd just been in.

"Focus. I need to get to work uploading the malware into the system. Winn modified it to specifically attack alien programming, especially coluan biology. My countermeasures are keeping it at bay, but by my calculations, I have about 10 minutes before the malware breaks through and the only reason I have that much time is because my 31st century processor is too advanced for 21st century malware to instantly breakthrough, even if Winn did use 31st century information to help create it." Brainy said.

"Then get to work. I'll stand guard." Dreamer said as she quickly helped her boyfriend make his way over to a terminal and watched him to get to work as she stood guard.

"You really think it will be that easy?" a new voice said and Dreamer turned to see a blue skinned coluan woman appear.

"You must be Indigo." Dreamer said.

"You know my name. Excellent. Now, know what happens when you get in my way." Indigo said.

"Brainy, keep working, I'll keep her busy." Dreamer said, since she knew her boyfriend needed as much time as she could give him.

"Please do, I do not think that I will be able to last long enough to have to start over again." Brainy said as Dreamer nodded.

"Let's get this over with quickly. There's a world that needs to be subjugated." Indigo said.

"Not today." Dreamer said as she blasted Indigo back, but she quickly recovered and lunged at Dreamer.

Dreamer was doing her best to put up a fight against Indigo, but it was clear that the Coluan had an advantage, since they were fighting on her turf.

"You can't beat me in here Dreamer." Indigo said as she turned her attention to Brainy, who was now half way through the upload.

"Dreamer, come in." Winn said in her ear.

"Winn, how?" Dreamer asked.

"I've been consulting the Flash's tech guy Cisco, he helped me modify the AI crown to include a communication functionality. Your vitals are spiking, what's going on?" Winn asked.

"I can't be her. My powers aren't enough here." Dreamer said.

"That's because you're too limited." Winn said.

"What?" Dreamer asked.

"Think of the server as virtual reality. You're only limited by what you think is possible." Winn said.

"Which means that I'm not just limited to my powers." Dreamer said.

"Exactly. Now go, Brainy needs your help." Winn said.

"Right." Dreamer said as she got to her feet.

Brainy was almost done with the malware code upload when he heard a voice behind him and turned to see his ancestor approach him, her clawed fingers curled.

"I don't know who you are, but did you really think that you could stop us?" Indigo asked.

"Yes, I do. Especially since I have backup." Brainy said with a grin without turning away from his work.

"What, that pathetic girl? She's too limited to be a threat to me." Indigo said, only to be blasted by heat vision, causing both her and Brainy to turn to see Dreamer standing there, her eyes glowing.

"Funny thing about my limits. They've just been lifted." Dreamer said as Brainy turned back to his work, now fully confident that his girlfriend could handle things from here.

"I see you're flashing some new powers." Indigo said

"Yep. And you should not be happy about it." Dreamer said as she flew into Indigo and began flaunting some impressive super strength to successfully beat Indigo back as Brainy continued working.

"Brainy, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold her off." Dreamer said, since Indigo was quickly adapting to the circumstances and was beginning to fight back.

"No need to. I'm done." Brainy said, panting in relief as the malware left his system.

"Then let's get out of here." Dreamer said as both she and Brainy exited cyberspace at the same time Indigo felt the malware enter her own systems.

"NO!!" She screamed as she burst into pieces.

"Brainy, Dreamer, is it done?" Alex asked when the two woke up.

"Yeah it is, is it?" Brainy asked as Lena checked her tablet and grinned.

"The malware is consuming every piece of alien coding in the system." Lena said and they all grinned.

"Supergirl, both Indigo and Myriad have been disabled." Dreamer said.

"Perfect. Winn, portal Lena and Brainy back to the tower, since I'm sure that Brainy needs to recover from the malware and Dreamer and Alex, you two get up here and help us end this." Supergirl said.

"Gladly." Dreamer said as a portal opened and Brainy and Lena walked through it as the others headed upstairs to help end the fight.

"It's over Non. Myriad is history." Supergirl said as she punched her uncle backwards.

"I will find another way to save this planet." Non said.

"The only thing this planet needs saving from is you." Supergirl said as Dreamer and Alex joined the fight.

"Let's get this over with." Dreamer said as she blasted another soldier.

"Show off." Alex said, still annoyed that she couldn't use her own powers, but she was relieved at the same time that she didn't need them as the fighting was quickly ended as the Superfriends quickly subdued Non's forces.

"This isn't over." Non said.

"Yes it is. You and all your troops are going back to prison." Supergirl said as she then proceeded to punch her uncle out before the DEO troops came inside to take them into custody.

"So, what do we do now that Non and his soldiers are captured?" Winn asked as the Superfriends regrouped at the tower.

"Well, we need to be sure that the malware did clear all traces of Myriad from the Obsidian system and then we can focus our attention on Reign." Kara said, right as the computers beeped.

"Actually, we might have a more pressing concern." Brainy said as he rushed over to the computers.

"What is it?" Kara asked as Brainy worked.

"It appears that your family is contacting us via the signal your father set up to connect to Argo." Brainy said as he pulled up the mission to reveal Alura broadcasting a message during what appeared to be an attack.

"Kara, thank Rao." Alura said.

"Mom, what's going on?" Kara asked.

"We're under attack, the Daxamites are here, they're searching for Mon-El." Alura said as they heard an explosion in the background.

"We'll be there as soon as we can." Kara said, preparing to throw Rhea off Argo into space herself if necessary this time around as the transmission cut out.

"So, what's the plan?" Alex asked.

"I'm gonna call Clark and then he, Mon-El and I are going to Argo to deal with this, the rest of you protect National City while we're gone." Kara said and they all nodded.

"But how are you going to get there without a ship?" Alex asked, since Malefic and Astra had taken J'onn's ship back to Mars.

"With this." Brainy said as he tossed Mon-El a set of keys.

"Is this what I think it is?" Mon-El asked and Brainy grinned.

"How else do you think I got here from the future? It was a parting gift from the Legion." Brainy said and Mon-El nodded.

"Okay then, let's get going." Mon-El said as he and Kara left the tower.

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