Chapter 41

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Andrea entered Lena's office at Obsidian North to hear her friend finishing up a phone call.

"And you're sure about this?" Lena asked as Andrea tried her hardest not to listen in.

"Okay, I'll be down there tomorrow." Lena said as she hung up and turned to face Andrea.

"It's none of my business, but would you mind telling me what that call was about?" Andrea asked.

"Actually, it is your business, since that call was from Luthor Corp's lawyers. Since Lex is now on the run, he's been removed as the company's CEO and apparently the board decided to give me control of the company." Lena said.

"So, we're going to be competitors now." Andrea said.

"I guess so. Though it looks like a majority of my attention will be spent trying to restore Luthor Corp's reputation." Lena said and Andrea got an idea.

"Maybe there's a way I can help with that without us having to become direct competitors." Andrea said.

"Go on?" Lena asked.

"Let me buy Luthor Corp. The company's reputation may have been ruined by Lex, but it's still at the forefront of cutting edge tech. I think that our two companies could do a lot more for the world if they merged into one." Andrea said.

"That would make it easier to route out any possible Lex sympathizers in the company, but at the same time, aren't you worried about what would happen to this company if any of them do anything?" Lena asked.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take. Besides, I've actually talked this over with the board of directors and they agree with me that the benefits outweigh the risks, since if we take over Luthor Corp, we'll assume control over all their projects and technology, which we can then use to increase our revenues. Only reason I haven't made an offer yet is because I wanted to run the idea by you." Andrea said.

"Andrea, I appreciate this, but you don't have to do this for a friend." Lena said before noticing Andrea chewing her lip nervously.

"Andrea." Lena asked.

"What if I told you I hoped that you'd see this gesture as more than just a friendly one." Andrea said and Lena quickly understood what she meant by that.

"I think that you should've led with that, since I would not have been so resistant." Lena said, shocking Andrea.

"Wait, really?" Andrea asked and Lena nodded.

"Yes Andrea, I'm honestly relieved to hear that you feel this way, but I think this is all something that we should discuss more." Lena said.

"Really." Andrea asked.

"Yes. Over dinner, tonight." Lena said and Andrea smiled.

"I can agree to that, provided you ask me to attend this dinner what it really is, since I think we both know that while we will be discussing some business, it won't be a business dinner." Andrea said and Lena chuckled.

"Fair enough. Andrea,will you go out to dinner with me, on a date?" Lena asked.

"Yes I will." Andrea said.

"Well, that was a lot easier than I thought it would be." Lena said and Andrea laughed.

"I guess with minds as big as ours, we tend to overthink things like this and that makes them seem a lot harder than they actually are. Until tonight." Andrea said as she moved to leave Lena's office.

"Until tonight." Lena agreed.

That night, Lena found herself waiting at II Palazzo's for Andrea to show up and she was beginning to think that she'd been stood up and made to look like a fool when she heard Andrea's voice behind her.

"Sorry I'm late Lena, a last minute emergency popped up at the office." Andrea said as Lena turned to face her, only to find herself stunned at the sight in front of her. Andrea was dressed in a black and white dress that went down to her knees and her hair was down.

"What, do I look okay?" Andrea asked, concerned by the way Lena was staring at her, though she had to admit, he was having a hard time not staring at Lena, who was a vision in her dark red dress and black jacket.

"Yes, sorry, you look amazing. Sorry, I just got tongue tied for a second." Lena said and Andrea smiled.

"Well, the feeling is mutual, though I guess I'm better at hiding it than you are." Andrea said.

"Reservation for Rojas." Andrea said to the host, who nodded.

"Right this way." the host said as she led them back to their table.

"So wait, you've had a crush on me since we first met at boarding school?" Andrea asked as she and Lena talked over dinner.

"Yeah, though at the time I didn't realize how I really felt about you." Lena said.

"Wow, honestly, it wasn't until you cut me out of your life that I began to realize how much you meant to me. That's why I was so ecstatic when you reached out to me." Andrea said.

"Yeah, I admit that my feelings may have clouded my judgement at the time, since I was hurt and betrayed that you'd refused to give me the medallion, that I threw away a friendship we've had for years." Lena said.

"You'd spent years searching for it because of your mom, I get it. Honestly, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing." Andrea said.

"Still, I was out of line. And part of the reason I reached out to you is because before then I'd gone out of line with another close friend of mine, but she brought me back to my senses." Lena said.

"Who was it?" Andrea asked.

"Kara Danvers. Honestly, she's the best friend I've ever had, hell, she's more like a sister to me now, but I found out that she'd been keeping something big from me and I flipped out on her, but she simply reminded me that I wasn't exactly innocent myself and we made amends." Lena said.

"Sounds like there's more to what you were feeling for Kara than sisterhood." Andrea said.

"I will admit, I did have a slight attraction to Kara, but honestly, it wouldn't have worked out, since for starters, she is straight and very happy with her own boyfriend and besides, anything I might've felt for her is small compared to what I feel for you, so no need to get jealous of her." Lena said.

"I'm just curious, did you ever tell her how you felt about her?" Andrea asked.

"No, but it's not because I was worried about how she'd react, her own sister is gay, but more because I didn't want to risk our friendship so soon after fixing it." Lena said.

"Okay, but I just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't have to worry about her coming after you." Andrea said.

"Don't worry, that won't be an issue." Lena said, since honestly, her feelings for Kara, they were never that strong, at least not as strong as her feelings for Andrea were. Lena did love Kara, but as a sister, nothing more and that was all she needed.

"Anyways, I believe we have other things to discuss." Lena said and Andrea nodded as they changed the topic over to business, mainly the details of Obsidian's acquisition of Luthor-Corp.

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