Chapter 15

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When Kara returned to the tower, she found her parents waiting for her.

"So, what was so important you had to leave us right after we arrived on this planet?" Alura asked her daughter, who smiled sheepishly at them.

"I am sorry about that, but I owed Oliver Queen, since he's the reason this new world exists, so I figured the least I could do was go and thank him properly and answer his request for a meeting, since I know he wouldn't ask me to leave my city abruptly unless it was important and it was." Kara said as she held out a briefcase.

"A briefcase?" Zor-El asked.

"It's what's inside the briefcase that's important." Kara said as Alex, Winn and Mon-El joined them.

"It's some kind of computer." Alex said.

"It belongs to a government organization called the ASA. Or at least it used to." Kara said.

"Where did you get it?" Winn asked.

"From a guy from Freeland calling himself Black Lightning. He's a metahuman, which is what we call humans with powers on this planet." Kara said that last bit for her parents' benefit.

"What is it?" Mon-El asked.

"It's a mainframe that consists of every metahuman that the ASA came in contact with and exposes about a century's worth of crimes and corruption committed by the organization, some of which was even covered up by the rest of the government." Kara said, looking at Alex, since she was sort of the Superfriends liaison with the government.

"I've never even heard of the ASA before, but they honestly sound a lot like Cadmus. J'onn might know more about them, considering he's the director of the DEO right now." Alex said.

"Anyways, Winn, I want you to copy and transfer all the data in this thing to our network so I can return it to Black Lightning like I promised, but I can use the information in it to expose the ASA and the government's corruption." Kara said.

"How?" Zor-El asked.

"I'm what's known as a reporter on this planet dad. So is Kal-El. We report the news to the people of this country, often exposing corruption and criminal activities." Kara said.

"So, you and Kal-El work together." Zor-El said, pleased to hear this.

"Not exactly. Kal works for a separate media outlet in Metropolis called the Daily Planet while I own my own media outlet." Kara said.

"But you two are close, correct?" Zor-El asked.

"Of course. I love him like he's my brother, not my cousin, even if he wasn't always there for me when I first landed on this planet." Kara said.

"What do you mean he wasn't there for you?" Zor-El asked as Alura already knew this and she'd talked to Kal-El about it when he and Lois had stayed on Argo, but Zor-El hadn't.

"When I first arrived on Earth, Kal-El sent me to live with the Danvers Family. And honestly while I was angry at him for it at first, I talked to him about it a few years ago and now I'm grateful for it." Kara said.

"What do you mean?" Zor-El asked, concerned, since family had been one of the highest ideals on Krypton and the fact that Kal-El had appeared to have abandoned Kara did not sit well with him.

"Being with Kal when I first arrived on Earth wouldn't have been a good idea, since all it would've done was remind me of Krypton and the fact that I failed the very reason you sent me here in the first place. If I'd been raised by him, then it would've just served as a reminder of my failure. Besides, he made sure I was well taken care of with the Danvers family and he visited a lot. For a long time, I was the one who pushed him away. But when I did need him, he was there." Kara said.

"Still, I'd like to speak to him about this." Zor-El said.

"We do need to let him know about this development. He'll be so jealous when he finds out that you got this scoop over him." Alex said and Kara rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Perhaps we should have brought backup." Astra asked J'onn as they got out of his ship on Mars.

"No. A large group would raise too much suspicion." J'onn said as he heard someone approach them.

"Are you sure that our spaceship did not tip them off?" Astra asked as suddenly, a ring of white martians appeared around them.

"Who are you?" One of the white martians said in the martian language, but J'onn recognized their, or rather, her, voice and simply shifted to his green martian form.

"I am J'onn J'onzz." J'onn said as the same white martian he'd spoken to shifted to the form of none other than the green martian form of M'gann M'orzz.

"I am M'gann M'orzz, leader of the White Martian Resistance and you J'onn J'onzz, are welcomed among our ranks. Who is it you have brought with you?" M'gann asked.

"I am Astra of the house of El of Krypton. I am an ally of J'onn J'onzz and I have come to aid him." Astra said as M'gann nodded.

"We'll speak english for your convenience." M'gann said.

"Thank you." Astra nodded.

"What brought you back to Mars?" M'gann asked, though both J'onn and M'gann could tell that she knew.

"I sensed a presence here that I have not sensed since before the great war. My father." J'onn said.

"He is alive. And he is safely at our base. Come with us. We'll take you to him." M'gann said and J'onn nodded.

"First though, could I speak to you in private M'gann?" J'onn asked and M'gann nodded as she led J'onn away from the group.

"What did you need to speak to me about?" M'gann asked.

"This." J'onn said as he touched his hand to her forehead and restored her memories, causing her to shift into her human form.

"J'onn." M'gann said as he returned to his human form as well.

"You remember me now." J'onn said.

"Yes and as much as I want to return to Earth with you, I know I am needed here more." M'gann said.

"When I return to Earth, I intend to release Malefic from the Phantom Zone and restore his memories, along with my father's as I did your's and then I intend to send him back here to help you end this war once and for all." J'onn said.

"I hope so, since he was like a gift from H'ronmeer himself. We were finally starting to achieve peace." M'gann said and J'onn smiled.

"Hopefully someday, that peace can be achieved and we can return here, if only to visit, since Earth has become my new home, but to see this planet restored to its former glory." J'onn said.

"And when this war is over, I intend to join you on Earth, since I was happy there and I will be happy with you. On whatever planet we choose to be on." M'gann said and J'onn smiled as they kissed.

"Now, my father." J'onn said and M'gann nodded.

"Of course. And, there's another surprise waiting for you at the base. Let's go." M'gann said as J'onn looked at her curiously, but nodded and followed her, since he knew she'd take precautions to keep him from reading her mind, so he just followed her.

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