Chapter 13

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When J'onn's ship finally dropped out of lightspeed, Astra felt her breath hitch a little at the sight of Argo city, still intact.

"Are you okay?" J'onn asked her.

"The last time I was in Argo City was right before I was sentenced to Fort Rozz." Astra said as J'onn placed a hand on Astra's shoulder.

"Kara said that when she first found Alura on Argo, it turns out your sister regretted what she did and she actually regrets not listening to you." J'onn said.

However, before Astra could respond, suddenly, the ship was caught in a tractor beam.

"Looks like we've been spotted." J'onn said.

"Looks like Zor-El was busy fortifying the city." Astra said as they were pulled towards the city.

When the ship landed, J'onn and Astra found themselves surrounded by caretaker bots.

"Remain where you are." one of the caretakers said as Astra prepared to fight them.

"Stand down caretakers." a new voice said as Astra turned to see her sister, leading a bunch of other citizens towards them.

"Alura." Astra said, pretending to be shocked at seeing her.

"Astra. How?" Alura asked as she cautiously walked up to her sister.

"It's a long story. And it looks like we should exchange them." Astra said.

"Who is this?" Alura asked of J'onn, right as J'onn shifted to his true form.

"I thought your kind were wiped out?" Alura asked him.

"I am one of the few survivors." J'onn said.

"How did you find her?" Alura asked of her sister.

"Fort Rozz crashed on Earth, where he was hiding." Astra said.

"Earth. Astra, do you know?" Alura asked and Astra immediately knew what her sister was asking.

"Kara is alive. Kal-El as well. They are both on Earth now. Kara is actually the one who sent me." Astra said.

"I don't understand." Alura said.

"Perhaps I can provide some clarity." J'onn offered and Alura, knowing of the powers of his people, nodded, since she knew it would be easier if he just psychically brought her up to speed.

J'onn then placed his hand to her temple and restored Alura's memories of the old earth and also brought her up to speed on what had happened on Earth.

"Astra." Alura said when he was done, turning to her sister, tears now in her eyes as she hugged her sister tightly.

"I am surprised by how welcoming you are towards me." Astra said.

"Perhaps if I'd listened to you before, our world would still exist. Come with me. Both of you. There are people I want you to see." Alura said as she led Astra and J'onn towards the city.

When they arrived at Alura's home, J'onn and Astra were both surprised by who was there.

"Zor-El." Astra said, shocked at seeing her brother-in-law alive and now regretted that Kara had not come with them.

"Astra. What a surprise." Zor-El said and to Astra's surprise, he was perfectly welcoming towards her.

"Zor-El was one of the few who heeded your warnings. He's the one who created a shield to protect Argo city when Krypton exploded." Alura explained.

"It's because of you that I was able to salvage a bit of our planet." Zor-El said.

"And she also knows what became of Kara." Alura said.

"Where is she?" Zor-El asked.

"On Earth with Kal-El. Had I known that you'd both be here, I would've brought her along." Astra said and Zor-El smiled.

"I assume this means we are going to earth?" Zor-El asked and Alura nodded.

"Not permanently, but we are going to see our daughter again." Alura said, since she knew how excited Kara would be to see her father again.

"You said there was someone else we needed to see?" J'onn asked.

"Yes, J'onn, come with me." Alura said as she left her sister and husband to get reacquainted so Astra could tell Zor-El everything she knew of Kara's life on Earth, since it seemed like right now, restoring Zor-El's memories was not the way to go.

"Who else is here?" J'onn asked.

"Someone else that I know Kara holds very dearly." Alura said simply as they arrived at another residence.

"Who?" J'onn asked again and Alura just smiled.

"You'll see." Alura said as she knocked on the door and J'onn was surprised by who answered it.

"Alura, what brings you by?" Mon-El asked with a smile, which Alura shared and J'onn now understood why Alura was so eager to bring him here.

"This is J'onn J'onzz, there's something he needs to speak with you about." Alura said.

"Okay." Mon-El said, a bit confused.

"Well, it's more like a reminder." J'onn said as he then proceeded to restore Mon-El's memories.

"J'onn." Mon-El said as he got his bearings.

"Hello Mon-El. I have to admit, when I came to Argo, I was not expecting you to be here. How did you find your way to Argo?" J'onn asked him.

"When my pod was sent away, I did go to the well of stars like I did before, but after it escaped, my pod was knocked off course by a meteor and I crashed here. The people of Argo City took me in and Alura herself began to educate me on how to be a decent being, since I wouldn't be treated the way I was before on Daxam." Mon-El said.

"Once he realized that while we would not persecute him, we would not treat him the way he had been on Daxam, he became a quick learner." Alura said.

"And now I'm going back to Earth with you." Mon-El said and J'onn chuckled.

"I suspected as much. Kara will be very happy, since who knows, maybe now you two will finally have a real chance together." J'onn said and Mon-El smiled.

"I've lost her twice already. I can't lose her again." Mon-El said and J'onn smiled.

"It looks like my ship will be a bit more packed than I expected. I might have to drop you off on Earth before going to Mars with Astra." J'onn said.

"You're going after your father?" Mon-El asked.

"I am." J'onn agreed.

"Actually, it might not be necessary." Alura said.

"What do you mean?" J'onn asked.

"Zor-El managed to salvage one ship and he's been repairing it ever since, in order to search for Kara. Now that we know that she made it to earth, we can just follow." Alura said and J'onn nodded.

"I guess that we and Zor-El can go in that ship while you and Astra go to Mars." Mon-El said and J'onn nodded as they continued talking as J'onn brought them up to speed on what they'd missed since they'd both left.

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