Chapter 20

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Jeremiah Danvers was currently running for his life, since after he learned that Lillian Luthor was planning on reneging on their deal and killing Kara now that she'd become Supergirl and he knew that he had to get away and warn her. However, he wasn't sure if he'd live long enough to warn anyone, since the Cadmus facility was located deep in the jungle in Peru, far from civilization and he was currently being pursued by several Cadmus soldiers, including the real Hank Henshaw.

"You'll never escape Danvers!" Henshaw shouted at him as he fired a ray from his cybernetic eye at Jeremiah, who barely managed to jump out of the way in time, but not before being shot in the leg by another soldier.

"One chance Danvers. Come back with us and finish your work or you can die here for real this time." Henshaw said.

"You broke our deal Henshaw. Our deal was that in exchange for my help, you'd leave my family alone." Jeremiah said.

"Things changed when Kara Danvers decided to become Supergirl. She's a threat to Cadmus and threats must be eliminated." Henshaw said.

"I won't help you try to kill my daughter." Jeremiah said.

"She's not your daughter. She's a parasite who cost you your family. If you'd just handed her over to me all those years ago, you could've avoided all this." Henshaw told him.

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Jeremiah said.

"So be it. Goodbye Jeremiah." Henshaw said as he raised his gun, only for them both to be distracted by a strange noise, right before two blue beams of light hit Henshaw dead center in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

"What the?" Jeremiah asked as he turned in the direction that the blast came from to see Kara standing there, dressed in her Supergirl suit and her eyes still glowing blue with power and she wasn't the only one standing there. Also there was J'onn, who Jeremiah recognized immediately, along with a brunette woman in a blue and white suit, a dark haired, bearded man wearing a reverse color scheme version of Clark's Superman suit without the S on it, but what really got his attention was the sight of Alex wearing a DEO tactical uniform. Even after all this time, he still recognized her. Both of his daughters were all grown up.

"You." Henshaw said, though none of them could tell if he was talking to Kara or J'onn.

"Dreamer, put him to sleep." Kara said and the woman in blue and white nodded.

"With pleasure." Dreamer said as her fist glowed with blue energy and blasted Henshaw back as Kara and J'onn flew up quickly and took out the remaining troops as Alex rushed up to her father.

"Dad, are you okay?" Alex asked.

"Aside from being shot, yes. How'd you find me or even know I was alive?" Jeremiah asked as Kara and J'onn joined them.

"J'onn, do your thing." Kara said and J'onn nodded as he leaned down and restored Jeremiah's memories.

"Alex, Kara, J'onn, you came for me." Jeremiah said as he recovered from the headache J'onn had given him, along with the memories of his old life.

"Of course we did. Alex, how bad is the damage?" Kara asked.

"He's losing blood fast." Alex said.

"I can cauterize it to buy time to get him back to the Tower." Kara said.

"Do it." Jeremiah said as he braced himself for the pain as Kara did exactly that.

"Done." Kara said.

"Okay, let's get out of here." Alex said.

"You can't leave yet." Jeremiah said as he grimaced through the pain.

"Why not?" Kara asked.

"Because the Cadmus facility I escaped from had other alien prisoners." Jeremiah said.

"Then we can't leave yet. Alex, get Jeremiah back to the Tower, since you're the only one of us with medical experience." Kara said and Alex nodded.

"Wait, the entire facility is covered with power dampeners." Jeremiah said as Winn came over the comms.

"Actually, that won't be a problem for Kara, Nia and Mon-El, since when Lena and I upgraded your rings, we also gave them the ability to bypass power dampening technology." Winn said.

"Awesome." Supergirl said.

"What about me?" J'onn asked.

"I have another version of the tech here at the tower, if you come back with Alex, I can give it to you and then transmat you back to the facility." Winn said as the transmat portal reopened.

"Where's the facility?" Kara asked Jeremiah.

"A few miles in that direction." Jeremiah said as he pointed back in the direction he'd come from.

"I'll meet you there." J'onn said as he helped Alex carry Jeremiah through the portal.

"Okay then, let's do this." Supergirl said as she, Valor and Dreamer flew towards the facility.

When the trio arrived at the facility, Supergirl made them an entrance by flying through the roof and Mon-El and Dreamer followed her.

However, the moment Kara entered the facility, she nearly fell out of the sky due to the amount of kryptonite that was stored in the facility and Mon-El was barely able to catch her in time.

"Winn, this place is full of kryptonite, it's affecting Kara already." Dreamer said over the comms.

"Tell Mon-El to press the emblem on her suit. Lena built an additional surprise into it." Winn said as Mon-El did just that as he tapped the S on Kara's suit and immediately, Kara was encased by the kryptonite suit Lena had built her for once and had apparently done so again.

"Supergirl, are you okay?" Mon-El asked as Kara regained consciousness.

"Yeah. Remind me to thank Lena for building the suit later." Kara said as she shook off the dizziness as they were surrounded by Cadmus agents.

"We have you surrounded." the lead agent said.

"Maybe, but you're outmatched." Supergirl asked as she flew upwards before flying back to the ground at super speed and slammed her fist into the ground, creating a shockwave sending the Cadmus soldiers flying back and knocking most of them unconscious.

"I really wish I could kiss you without that helmet." Mon-El said and Kara smiled from behind the visor.

"Come on, we need to find the security center so we can release the prisoners and also turn off the power dampeners." Kara said as a transmatter portal opened up and J'onn jumped out of it, a new bracelet on his wrist.

"That's your bypass device?" Supergirl asked and J'onn nodded.

"Winn also gave me this hacker to allow him to access Cadmus's system from the Tower. We just have to plant it on their computers." J'onn said.

"Let's do this." Supergirl said as they got moving into the facility.

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