Chapter 28

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"Welcome back Agent Danvers." J'onn said with a grin as he and Brainy entered the Tower to see Alex standing up again.

"Thanks boss. I'm psyched to be on my feet again." Alex said.

"Did you bring it?" Kara asked.

"As promised." J'onn said as he handed Kara the dampener.

"Seriously?" Alex complained.

"Sorry Alex, until you master your powers, you are to wear this dampener whenever you're not training." J'onn said as Kara locked the dampener on Alex's wrist.

"The lock is coded so only J'onn and I can remove the dampener." Kara said and Alex groaned.

"Great. So I finally get powers and I can't use them unless my boss or my little sister says I can." Alex complained.

"At least you can still walk." Kelly said.

"Look, I promise, it's not forever, but do you remember how many accidents I had when I first started developing my powers." Kara reminded her.

"True. But still, it sucks." Alex said.

"Yeah, the fact that you have super powers but can't always is a real bummer. I'm sure we can find a way to remove them and put you back in the wheelchair if you'd like." Lena said.

"Very funny." Alex said.

"Trust me Alex, you're gonna thank me when the super senses start kicking in." Kara said.

"Eureka." Brainy said, cutting off whatever Alex was going to say and causing them all to turn to him.

"What is it?" Kara asked.

"I believe I have cracked Ms. Smoak's cipher. It was quite ingenious, especially for one of this era, but in the end, I was able to crack it." Brainy said as they came over to where he was at the computers, looking over the files Felicity had sent them.

"So, what is it?" Kara asked.

"It's this." Brainy said as he pulled the files up onto the monitors.

"Whoa, this." Lena said.

"Is everything I need to expose Lex for the maniac he really is." Kara said.

"How did Felicity get her hands on this? It doesn't seem like something Lex would let be just lying around." Alex asked.

"She said that she found it in the data we sent her from the ASA. I'm guessing this is how they convinced Lex to do business with them." Kara said.

"This also exposes Lex's infiltration of the U.S. government. Cadmus, Baker, everyone." Alex said.

"Wait what's this." Lena asked as she accessed another document.

"Oh my god." Lena said.

"What?" Kara asked.

"I think I finally found out why Eve betrayed us." Lena said as she showed them the file.

"Lex was threatening Eve's mother." Kara said and suddenly so many things about Eve's behavior made sense.

"We only know that's the reason in this universe." Alex said.

"True. But anyways, this is a treasure trove of information." Lena said.

"Clark and Lois are going to be so mad that I'm the one who got this scoop. This is everything I need to bring Lex's true colors to light." Kara said with a grin.

"You might as well start writing your pulitzer acceptance speech now." Alex said.

"Yeah I mean, between the ASA and now this, I think even Cat Grant will be wanting to ask you for your contacts." Lena said.

"Guess I'd better get started writing." Kara said.

"And my training." Alex said and Kara rolled her eyes, but nodded, nonetheless, right as the computers beeped in alert.

"What's going on?" Kara asked as Lena went to the computers.

"Looks like one of Superman's problems just arrived at your doorstep." Lena said.

"Which one?" Kara asked.

"Fortunately, one you've already dealt with before. Reactron." Lena said and Kara grinned.

"Kind of surprised Clark hasn't done that yet, since he knows how to beat him." Kara said.

"Reactron hasn't shown his face since the last time he and Superman clashed in this universe, which was before any of us woke up in it." Lena explained.

"Got it. Well, time to make him look bad by doing something he never could. Again." Kara said as she activated her suit.

"Want some backup?" J'onn asked.

"Just keep the area clear of civilians. I don't want any casualties." Kara said.

"I'll get the message to Dreamer." J'onn said.

"I'm coming too." Alex said.

"Fine, but without your powers. You just got them, no way you're ready to jump into a fight with them yet." Kara said.

"She's right about that. All the noise alone would immobilize you, since you don't know how to control your new super hearing yet." J'onn said.

"I've been fine so far." Alex said.

"That's because I've been running a sound stimuli loop through the tower's system to block outside audio until the power dampener arrived." Lena explained.

"Oh." Alex said.

"Yeah. Anyways, do we have any lead here in the Tower?" Kara asked.

"Actually, I didn't just design your anti kryptonite suit to protect you from kryptonite. I also created it to help shield you from enemies like Reactron, who's powers can actually kill you. The entire suit is lined with lead to shield you from radioactive materials and Winn and I actually designed that function for this exact eventuality. You should be all set." Lena said as Kara suited up.

"Perfect." Kara said with a grin as she tapped her emblem and the anti kryptonite suit appeared around her and she flew off towards the coordinates of the attack.

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