Chapter 37

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One of Alex's conditions for not using her powers to pummel Mon-El for marrying Kara without her there was that she could throw the newly wed couple a small party to celebrate their marriage and Kara had agreed, since she figured it was the least she could do since none of her earth family had been able to attend the actually wedding.

That was why Kara, Mon-El, Alex, J'onn Kelly, Nia, Brainy, Winn and Lena were all gathered in Kara and Mon-El's loft, getting ready to celebrate, when there was a knock on the door.

"Who else did you invite?" J'onn asked Kara as she used her x-ray vision to check and she grinned at who she saw on the other side.

"The only other Superfriend who's not here right now." Kara said as she opened the door to reveal James Olsen.

"James, I'm so glad you could make it." Kara said as she hugged James.

"Are you kidding, there's no way I was missing this." James said with a grin as he entered the apartment.

"Winn, it is so good to see you again brother." James said as he hugged Winn, who returned the favor.

"You too. I've really missed you. Tell me you're staying in town for a few days?" Winn asked.

"Of course I am. I know that Kara has her own team now, but I was hoping that maybe the original Superfriends could take to the streets while I'm here?" James asked.

"Absolutely. I have to admit, I've kind of missed the days of when it was just you, me and Winn working out of an office at Catco." Kara said.

"So have I. Though I have to admit, it has been nice to be my own hero outside of Supergirl's shadow." James said.

"Ahem, I believe you have yet to say hello to your own sister." Kelly said pointedly.

"My mistake. Sorry sis." James said a grin as he hugged her.

"You're forgiven." Kelly said.

"Alex, you taking care of my sister?" James asked.

"More like she's taking care of me." Alex said.

"Yeah, I heard about the accident, though you seem to have recovered well." James said with a smile.

"Thanks." Alex said.

"She takes care of me plenty though." Kelly said with a smile as she kissed her girlfriend's cheek.

"So, now that everyone is here, I think we can officially start this party." Mon-El said as he handed James and Winn glasses of champagne.

"Okay, now that we're all here, I'd like to propose a toast. To Kara and Mon-El." Alex said as they raised their glasses.

"While I'm still pissed that I wasn't there for the first wedding, I am still incredibly happy for both of you, but especially my little sister. Kara, I haven't seen you this happy in a long time and if being with him makes you this happy, then I can put up with having Mon-El as a brother-in-law." Alex said and everyone chuckled.

"I knew you liked me Alex." Mon-El said.

"Just don't get Kara pregnant before the actual wedding." Alex said with a look.

"Shut up." Kara said blushing as she sipped some of her champagne.

"Or what?" Alex asked.

"Or I'll make Lena my maid of honor instead of you." Kara threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." Alex said.

"Try me." Kara said.

"Okay, I'll back off. For now." Alex said, though they both knew it was an empty threat, there's no one else Kara would rather have as her maid of honor, just like how Alex would never have anyone else but Kara as her maid of honor.

"Speaking of the ceremony, Kara and I have already made a decision and we want everyone here to be a part of the wedding party." Mon-El said.

"Wait what?" Lena asked.

"Alex is going to be my maid of honor obviously, but Lena, I want you, Nia and Kelly to all be my bridesmaids, along with Lois and a few other friends." Kara said.

"I think I speak for all three of us when we say yes." Nia said and Lena and Kelly both nodded their agreement.

"And Brainy, I want you to be my best man." Mon-El said.

"Really. Well of course I will." Brainy said.

"I know. And James, Winn, J'onn, I want you three to serve as groomsmen, along with Clark of course, since Kara would never forgive me if he wasn't a part of the ceremony and a few other friends." Mon-El said.

"Who?" Nia asked.

"Well for me, I'm planning on asking some of my other female superhero friends. Iris obviously, along with Kate, Felicity, Sara and Thea, since Iris and Thea are both my employees and friends." Kara said and they nodded.

"As for me, I'm definitely asking Barry and Cisco at least, along with maybe Oliver Queen." Mon-El said.

"Well you still have some time to figure all that out." Alex said.

"Perhaps not as much time as you think." a new voice said and Kara whirled around and was pissed to find Mar Novu standing there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kara asked.

"Well first, I wanted to offer my congratulations on your nuptials." Mar Novu said, though he could tell that no one was relaxing.

"Thank you, but if you wanted to do that, you could've stayed away, since literally nothing good ever happens when you show up." Kara said.

"That's fair and you're right. I'm here to inform you that your fight is not yet over." Novu said.

"The anti monitor is alive?" Kara asked.

"We were fools to think otherwise. If Oliver could survive it, then of course the Anti Monitor could as well." J'onn said and Novu nodded.

"Fortunately, Mobius is still recovering, since unlike the rest of you, he did not have a counterpart in this new universe for his consciousness to transfer into to heal. We have time." Novu said.

"How much time?" Kara asked.

"I do not know." Novu said.

"Great, so is that all you came to tell us?" Alex asked, pissed that Novu was ruining the party.

"Not exactly. I am also here to offer advice. Oliver Queen and Barry Allen are also aware of this and they are currently rallying their forces to prepare, I suggest you do the same." Novu said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"You will know in time. But, before I go, I also have a wedding present for you." Novu said as he produced a jump drive and handed it to Kara.

"What is this?" Kara asked.

"I took the liberty of locating a suitable new homeworld for your people. That drive contains the coordinates. I wish you luck Kara Zor-El." Novu said and like that, he vanished as quickly as he appeared.

"Guess we're headed back to space, since I want to check this planet out for myself before I direct both of our people there." Kara said and Mon-El nodded.

"You sure you want to head out so soon?" Alex asked.

"This is too important to put off. But once we get back from this trip, we'll stay for awhile." Kara promised.

"Okay then, let's try to enjoy the party." J'onn said, trying to get all their minds off what Novu had told them.

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