Chapter 27

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"Tell me again why you installed red sun emitters in here?" Kara asked Lena, since she was currently being flooded by red sunlight, dampening her powers and allowing her father to take her blood.

"They're actually yellow sun emitters, but I jury rigged them to replicate a red sun instead to make sure that your father wouldn't have to use Kryptonite to get the needle under your skin. This way is slightly less painful." Lena said.

"Fair enough. How's the decryption coming along?" Kara asked.

"It should be done soon, though honestly, I wasn't expecting it to take this long. I mean Winn and I developed it, and we're two of the smartest people on the planet and this Felicity's encryptions are actually beating it, but not for much longer." Lena said and Kara smiled.

"Yeah, I've heard it said that Felicity Smoak was likely one of the best hackers in the multiverse. We're lucky she's on our side." Kara said.

"Yeah, I'm both pissed that she's not working for Luthor Corp when I worked there and relieved that she's nowhere near Lex's influence." Lena said and Kara nodded her agreement.

"So, how tough is her encryption to crack?" Kara asked.

"It's been designed to evolve to defend against any decryption algorithm attempting to crack it, but I called in Brainy and I'm sure that he should be able to crack it." Lena said as the machine beeped, indicating that it was done taking Kara's blood, at which point Lena turned off the machine and removed the needle before hitting a button on the sun emitters, switching them back to yellow sunlight, quickly restoring Kara's powers to normal.

"Okay, we've got enough blood for the transfusion to work." Lena said.

"Great. Time to turn Alex into a super." Kara said with a grin, which Lena shared as she disconnected the IV bag containing Kara's blood.

"It's about time." Alex complained.

"You know, we can always not do this." Kara said.

"Sorry, it's just after being cooped up in this chair, even for a week, I'm a little impatient." Alex said.

"It's fine, I'm joking, trying to lighten the mood, since like my dad said, this is going to hurt." Kara said as Lena handed Zor-El the bag of Kara's blood.

"Okay Kara, help Alex onto the bed." Zor-El said, since he'd set up a special bed for the procedure.

"What's with the restraints?" Kelly asked as Kara helped her sister onto the bed.

"We need to keep Alex restrained and secured until the transformation is complete." Zor-El said.

"Which reminds me, bite down on this." Kara said as she handed Alex a mouthpiece to bite down on, inserting it into her sister's mouth while her father secured the restraints.

"Are you ready Alex?" Zor-El asked and Alex took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let's do this." Kara said as she watched her father attach the IV with the Harun-El serum and the IV with her blood in it into Alex's arm.

"Is it safe to put two IVs into her arm?" Kelly asked.

"The two separate IVs need to be inserted at the same time to ensure that both substances enter Alex's bloodstream at the same time and the reason we don't just mix the two together is because then the harun-el would just react the way it normally it does to kryptonian biology, rendering the solution useless. Alex's blood, Kara's blood and the Harun-El have to be united at the same time for the solution to work, since all three components have equally important roles in making the compound work. The Harun-el mixing with Alex's blood triggers the transformation, Kara's blood mixing with the Harun-El stabilizes it and Alex's blood acts as a buffer to keep the harun-el from reacting the way it normally would to kryptonian cells on Earth." Zor-El explained and Kelly nodded as Zor-El began the transfusion.

Alex's breath hitched as she felt the two foreign substances enter her body and she immediately felt the transformation begin. At first it wasn't too unpleasant, the first thing she noticed was that she'd regained feeling in her legs and lower body. Then the pain really kicked in as she felt like every cell in her body was on fire.

"Turn on the sunlamps now." Zor-El said as Kara quickly directed the medbay's sun lamps around the bed and Lena switched them on, flooding Alex's system with yellow sunlight radiation.

"Remind me why that's necessary?" Kelly asked.

"The yellow sunlight will help trigger Alex's new healing abilities by stimulating her new kryptonian cells, causing her powers to manifest sooner." Zor-El said.

"I don't understand, when I injected James with the normal formula, he began developing powers instantly?" Lena asked.

"This is different. We're actually changing Alex's cellular structure permanently. Her cells will be exactly like Kara's were when she first arrived on Earth. It'll take time for her powers to fully develop, but this will help kick start her healing abilities." Zor-E explained and Lena nodded as they returned their attention to Alex, who was now screaming through the mouthpiece and her vitals were all over the place.

"She's fluctuating." Kelly said as she and Kara tried to hold Alex down as she struggled against her restraints.

"Come on Alex, hang in there." Kara begged her as Alex had tears in her eyes from the pain.

"Wait, look, her vitals are stabilizing and they're getting stronger." Lena said as they looked at the monitors.

"It's working." Kara said with a grin and Alex could feel the pain starting to subside as she began feeling stronger than she'd ever felt before.

"Alex?" Kelly asked as Alex felt the pain leave her completely and she felt better than ever as she spat out the mouthpiece.

"I feel great." Alex said as she grinned and broke out of all her restraints, especially the ones on her legs.

"Considering the fact that you just broke out of pure steel restraints, including the ones on your legs, I'd say you're better than great." Kara said with a grin as she watched Alex get up off the bed and actually walk towards them.

"Welcome back Alex." Kelly said with a smile as she walked towards her girlfriend.

"I can't believe it. I admit that it wasn't pleasant, but it was worth it, since I feel like I can do anything." Alex said.

"Alex, you know you still have training to do before I let you leave the Tower with your powers intact right?" Kara asked.

"I know, but Kara, give me an hour before you slap a dampener on my wrist." Alex said.

"Fair enough." Kara agreed as she watched Alex grin as she began floating off the ground.

"Wow, I'm flying." Alex said with a grin.

"Flying is the easy part. The hard part is landing without falling on your face." Kara said, honestly kind of hoping that happened, since Alex had laughed at her several times when she was learning to fly.

"I'll figure it out. But man, this is amazing. I finally truly understand why you like this so much Kara." Alex said with a grin as she marveled at her newfound power.

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