Chapter 46

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Warning, chapter may contain brief and mild Rated M material, but nothing too graphic, it's just something that I thought would go well with the story and it will likely be one time thing, since I'm not that kind of writer, but this thought came across my mind and I liked it so I put this in. I'm only adding this warning in case anyone who reads this is super conservative and I didn't want to offend anyone. I hope that despite this, you guys still like the chapter, but I don't want to find a bunch of complaints for what in my opinion is not that big a deal, but you never know how other people might interpret it, so I'm just covering my bases. Sorry for such a long AN, but I felt I should give you guys a warning, but I'll let you be the judge of if you think it was necessary.

However, almost immediately after Brainy tried sending them all in, things went wrong as J'onn and Mon-El both woke back up.

"What happened, why are we still here?" Mon-El asked Brainy.

"I do not know. This should've worked just like it did last time and it's definitely working since it's showing that both Supergirl and Sam have been successfully transferred to the Valley of Juru." Brainy said.

"So why didn't it send us?" J'onn asked.

"I do not know. Remember, the valley of Juru is a place of magic, not science, which means that there are things about it that we do not understand. I will contact Alura, see if she can send us any of the information the Kryptonian witches might have on the valley of Juru to see why only Kara and Sam were able to get through." Brainy said and they all nodded.

"So, it looks like Kara and Sam are on their own." Alex said.

"At least they have each other." Lena said.

"Let's just hope that's enough until we can figure out a way to get someone in there to help them." Nia said and they all nodded in agreement.

"Where are J'onn and Mon-El?" Sam asked as she and Kara woke up in the valley of Juru to find that they were the only ones who'd made the journey.

"I don't know. Maybe Brainy was wrong about his calculations and was only able to send the two of us here." Kara said.

"So, what do we do now?" Sam asked.

"We stick to the plan. We need to find the fountain and use it to power you up." Kara said and Sam nodded.

"And more importantly, get the water we need to depower the worldkillers." Sam said and Kara nodded in agreement.

"Let's get moving. We need to find that fountain before anything else realizes we're here." Kara said and Sam nodded in agreement, since they were already down two members of their party, which would put them at an even greater disadvantage.

"You okay?" Kara asked as she and Sam stopped for a moment to let Sam catch her breath.

"How are you not exhausted?" Sam asked.

"My powers are still at full strength. But honestly, I thought we would've found the fountain by now." Kara said.

"Yeah, it's like something is keeping it from us." Sam said.

"Or someone." A new voice said and the two turned to see a man in a hooded robe standing in front of them.

"Who are you?" Kara asked as the man pulled back his hood to reveal a familiar face.

"I was once Thomas Coville. But my actions on Earth have condemned me to this realm as it's keeper. And a guide to what you are looking for." Coville said.

"Coville? How is this possible?" Kara asked.

"This place is one of the few realms not affected by the crisis of infinite worlds. But before that happened, I was condemned to become this realm's guardian as a punishment for my actions, for now I am powerless to do anything but watch as the daughters of Juru are able to unleash their horrors again. I am condemned to serve those who killed me. A fitting punishment for my crimes I suppose." Coville said.

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