Lily- Dance Like There's Nobody There

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"Alright," the Head Auror, Moody, declares in a gruff voice. "Today's training session is on Monday. Don't forget."

I sigh in relief. The last few weeks have been gruelling. Non-stop training sessions...

The Ministry of Magic is trying to pump out more Aurors now. Charlus and Dorea's deaths rattled the entire system. Losing two of the greatest Aurors has really forced us to step up our game.

James walks over to me. "Ready to enjoy our empty house for the weekend?"

I grin. "I can't believe you don't want to go to the Quidditch tournament with the rest of the Marauders." I stop walking. Grabbing his hand, I turn to face him. "You don't have to stay just because it's our one year anniversary tomorrow, James. We can celebrate another day. I don't mind." I say softly.

James shakes his head. "Nope. It took me seven years to get you to date me; I'm not going to miss out on our first anniversary!"

"It took you less than a year to propose to me too." I laugh.

James pauses and looks at me for a moment with a slight look of guilt.

Oh...the wedding. James has been in a constant state of guilt over suggesting that we should wait to get married.
"I'm not upset about the wedding, James. We don't have to rush into this." I say confidently.

"I know. I just feel like I pushed too hard." He confesses with a sad smile.

"Honestly, the only thing that I'd be upset about is if you keep apologizing, James. What happened to the James Potter who never apologized?" I tease.

"That bloke grew up." James shrugs his shoulders. "We should probably get going."

"Potter, Evans, wait." Moody says. He walks over to us. "We need to have a talk. Come to my office."

We silently follow him into his office. It feels like I'm at Hogwarts again and James has gotten me to sent to Dumbledore's office once again. I glance at James and he smiles nervously at me.

Moody gestures to two chairs in front of his desk. "Have a seat." He closes the door and locks it behind him. "Albus wanted me to discuss some Order business with you. He wanted to tell you in person, but he was unable to leave Hogwarts."

"Alright. What's going on?" James asks.

"It's not secret that you're wealthy, Potter." Moody says bluntly.

James raises an eyebrow. "Does the Order need funding or something?"

"No. You and Evans could live comfortably on what you have, correct?"

James frowns, but nods. "Quite comfortably."

"Albus would like you both to consider being full-time Order members. You're both some of the most promising recruits that I've seen in a long time, but your talents would be of greater use to the Order."

I nod. "When would Dumbledore like a decision?"

"As soon as possible."

"Alright, we'll think about it." James says calmly.


We quickly exit the office and head towards the staircase. James looks surprisingly calm about all of this. It isn't like him... He's quick to get frustrated when plans change.

"James..." I say softly.

"I think this will be good thing," he says with a small smile. "Besides, the Order actually cares about defeating Voldemort. I don't know about some of the Aurors..."

Ours To Hold- A Lily and James FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now