Lily- Whose Side Are You On?

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My heads whips up and I turn to face the individual standing in the doorway. A young man with dark hair and hauntingly familiar eyes stares at us with tired eyes. For a moment, I don't recognize the man. Suddenly, his identity hits me like a ton of bricks.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius demands harshly as he steps forward.

Regulus Black stands in front of us, but he barely even resembles the haughty man who mocked his older brother. Regulus is thin; too thin. His skin is abnormally pale. But it's the look in his eyes that makes him look nothing like his former self. His eyes look as if they've seen too much, like they've seen unspeakable things.

"Sirius," he inclines his head towards his older brother. "I need to speak to you." His voice is desperate.

"No." Sirius declares furiously. His eyes are dangerously narrowed as he glares at his younger brother with undeniable distrust. "I'm not interested in talking to you. I made my position clear. I don't give a fuck about what you want to talk about."

"Sirius, please. It's important." Regulus pleads frantically. "You don't understand this is important! You need to know."

"You need to go to hell!" Sirius roars. "Get out and don't ever come back. You're a worthless coward!"

Regulus takes a deep breath. "Okay...okay. I'm leaving. I'm trying to help you, Sirius."

Sirius laughs cruelly. "No, you're not. You never do anything for anyone but yourself. Go, Regulus. Crawl home to Mother and Voldemort."

Regulus cringes at mention of Voldemort. Without a word, he turns and walks out the door.

Sirius shakes his head. "That idiot."

"Should we have heard him out?" I ask softly. What if there had been some truth to his words? I don't know him well enough to tell when he's telling the truth though...

"No, it would have been a waste of time. Regulus would never have told us the truth. He's a liar, Lily." Sirius says firmly. "He's probably trying to pass on a message from dear old Mother." He sighs heavily. "Voldemort's been trying to recruit me for a while now. I keep bumping into known Death Eaters late at night and they all pass on the same message."

"How long has this been going on for?" Remus asks slowly.

"And why haven't you told us about this?" I add. Why wouldn't Sirius tell us? We wouldn't have been angry...

"Because I thought I could deal with it myself. Oh, for about two months now." He answers. He glances over at Remus with a strange look in his eyes. "I could say the same for you, Remus."

"Explain." James demands with no room for debate.

"Same thing as Sirius. The Death Eaters keep making the offer. They're making it because I'm a werewolf."

"Why?" I ask. This makes no sense. He's not a pureblood. The Death Eaters wouldn't accept someone with a muggle mother. They wouldn't take a werewolf into their ranks.

"We're the outcasts of society, Lily." Remus admits softly. "I haven't been able to find work since we graduated. I'm required to inform my potential employers of my condition. That's usually a deal breaker. It's been hard, Lily. My kind are powerful. You know what happens to me on full moons. We could be powerful allies for the Death Eaters. I wasn't aware that Sirius knew about that though." He frowns. "How do you know?"

"I saw you talking to Crabbe after we went out for drinks last week." Sirius confesses. "Sorry, mate."

"It's alright. I'm sorry too." Remus says.

I don't know why, but to me, their apologies don't seem so sincere...

AN: Just a short chapter to get back into the swing of the story. More updates to come. Thanks for reading.

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