Lily- The Future Looks Bright

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"Lily! Lily!" Alice exclaims excitedly as she runs towards me. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. "I've got some good news to tell you!"

"Come inside. We can chat inside. The boys are out for the day- Order Business," I explain as we walk into the grand entrance. "It's been too long since we've talked."

"I know. Everything's been so hectic lately. We've been run off our feet working on Auror missions. Frank's been gone for a couple of weeks."

"Why didn't you tell me? You could have come and stayed with us! Merlin, you know we have enough rooms here. I swear the Potter family must have been massive at one point." I shake my head in dismay. I swear in the year that I've lived in this manor, I still haven't been in every room.

Alice smiles a wry smile at me. "I thought about asking, but then I started getting sick. It was really awful. I thought it was just the flu, but it lasted for a while and none of my potions were helping so I went to see a healer."

"Are you alright? What was it? Some strange infection?"

A massive smile breaks out on her face. "Lily, I'm pregnant!"

"Congratulations!" I exclaim as I pull her into a tight hug. "Does Frank know?"

She shakes her head. "He's coming back tomorrow. I didn't want to worry him, plus we're not supposed to contact Aurors in the field unless it's an emergency."

"That's so exciting. Do you think it's a girl or boy?" I ask excitedly.

"I don't know. Girl or boy- I don't care. They're my child." Her hand rests on her slight bulge. She doesn't even look pregnant yet.

"How far along?"

"About a month now." Suddenly, her grin widens. "So, are you and James trying for a baby?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Not right now. I want to start a family now, but James is vehemently opposed to it."

"James Potter doesn't want kids?" Alice asks in disbelief.

Again, I shrug my shoulders. "I dunno. He likes kids. I think he wants kids, but last time I bought it up, he shut me down. He just said no. I tried to get him to change his mind, but he got annoyed and left the room."

"Your husband is the most easygoing bloke most of time, then the occasional thing just makes him irrational."

"Is it wrong that I want to have a baby? I mean- I've always wanted to have a family. I just don't understand why James would act like this," I admit sadly. I shake my head quickly. "I'm sorry. You came to tell me your news; not to listen to me whine about my life."

"Lily. Not everything is about others; not everything is about James. Love is a compromise, but you don't have to fold on your dreams for your husband. He's being an arse."

"Nice to know what you think of me, Alice. Hello by the way," James says casually from the doorway. He doesn't seem to be upset about being called an arse by Alice. "So what dream should Lily not fold on?" He inquires curiously.

Before I can stop her, Alice blurts out, "having a baby."

James looks at the two of us for a moment before he sighs heavily. He runs a hand through his messy black hair. "Lils, we've spoken about this," he says in a strained tone.

"No, we haven't. You've just shut me down every time," I retort annoyedly.

"I'm going to the kitchen to find some food. I'm eating for two now and let me tell you the baby is hungry!" Alice declares abruptly as she hurries out of the room.

James sighs again and moves to sit down beside me on the couch. "You know I'd do anything to make you happy, right, love? I'm not trying to dash your dreams. We're not that old, Lily. What's the rush to become parents? It's a big change. We're nineteen."

"We're not getting any younger. I know it's not a good time, but when is it ever?"

James rubs his jaw slowly. "Lils," he starts softly.

"Do you ever want kids, James? When we were dating, we never talked about this. Merlin, how could I be so stupid?"

"You're not stupid. I don't see how any of this is stupid. We didn't talk about it because we didn't have a reason to."

"Are you going to answer my question?"

James tilts his head to the side tiredly. "Lily, I'd be happy to answer your question, when you're not acting so abnormal. Nothing about this is stupid. Your dreams aren't stupid. Why I said no earlier was also not stupid."

  I take a deep breath. "Okay, I want to know."
James smiles a little at me. "There's my calm rational wife again." He reaches over and takes my hand. "Yes, Lils. Yes, I want to have kids. I love you more than anything. I want to start a family with you. The only reason I've been hesitating is what's going on around us. I don't want to bring our son or daughter into this war. I want them to never have to hear the name Voldemort and be afraid. That being said, you're also right. We aren't getting younger." A beautiful smile breaks through on his face. "Let's start a family." He leans in and kisses me. His hands reach for the bottom of my shirt.

"Wait! Alice is still here!" I protest loudly, remembering my best friend sitting in the kitchen.

James groans. "If it isn't the Marauders, then it's Alice freaking Longbottom!"

AN: hello people. Updates will probably happen once or twice a month until around Christmas break. I literally have no time for anything other than school, coursework, eating, and sleeping.
That being said, we've finally got James and Lily wanting to start a family.
So I'm still thinking of what a few of the chapters will be about. So if you have an idea, let me know!

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