Lily- I Do

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I open my eyes to the harsh bright light and wince. It's too bright.

"Wake up, Lily. Today's the big day." Alice says loudly as she tears the covers from my hands. "If you don't wake up, you'll leave James at the altar." She laughs.

The thought of leaving James at the altar is enough to make me open my eyes. "Fine, let's do this." I carefully throw my legs over the side of the bed.

"We have three hours to get ready before we have to be at Potter Manor for the wedding." Marlene explains as she guides me towards the bathroom.

 "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I accuse as I glare at my bridesmaids.

 "James told us-"

"No, James demanded that we didn't stress you out today."

 "Glad that my fiancé is looking out for me." I mumble as I sit down in front of the mirror.


"You look beautiful, Lily." Marlene exclaims.

 "Wow." Alice grins at me. "So, are you ready?"

I nod slowly. "I think so." I whisper softly.

"Look in the mirror first." Alice gently spins me so that I face the mirror.I stare at my reflection.

"Wow!" My fiery red hair is pulled up into an elegant bun with a few loose curls hanging down. Marlene did a fabulous job on the make-up. "I don't look like a clown." I cheerfully declare.

"A clown? Really, Lily?" Marlene questions as she shakes her head. "You really need to have a little more faith in us."

"Sorry. I'm just nervous."

"What is there to be nervous about? James is standing on that altar waiting for you. All that matters is you and him." Alice smiles at me. "Ready?"

I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. "Yes." I smile.

Alice waves her wand and cues the music. Then my two best friends, my bridesmaids, walk towards the altar.

I wait for a moment, like I practiced yesterday afternoon. It's my turn now. I slowly walk towards the entrance to the archways that make up the aisle. I step onto the long path and look towards the altar.

James stands at the front. He looks stunning, dressed in fancy black dress robes. As soon as his eyes catch mine, his face lights up. He stares at me in awe. "I love you," he mouths to me.I smile at him. "I love you too," I mouth back. I continue my way to the altar and stop just before it.

 I always thought my father would walk me up the aisle on my wedding day. Walking alone is my way of saying that no one can take the place of my parents. But I know that my parents are proud of me and happy that I've found James.

James steps down and takes my hand. "You look so beautiful, Lily." He whispers as we walk up to the front. "I love you so much."


"Lily Marie Evans, from the moment we met as children, I have loved you. You made me believe that love truly existed. I, James Potter, promise to be there for you during the good times. To make you laugh and smile. I promise to be there for you during the hard times. I will be your crying shoulder and love's embrace. I promise to be faithful to you, the love of my life." James triumphantly declares his vows to me. His eyes show nothing, but love and adoration for me.

"James Charlus Potter, I, Lily Evans, promise to be your joy and comfort through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you with all I am and all I'll ever be. I promise to make you happy and to live life to the fullest with you. I promise to be yours and yours alone, forever. I love you." I vow.

"Do you, James Charlus Potter, take Lily Marie Evans to be your wife?" The speaker asks.

"I do." James says proudly.

"And do you, Lily Marie Evans, take James Charlus Potter to be your husband?" "I do." I announce.

"I pronounce you husband and wife." The speaker says. He turns to James. "You may kiss the bride."

"Finally." James whispers. He wraps his arms around me and passionately kisses me.


AN: hey! So there's the wedding ceremony! The next part of the wedding is the reception part one aka "Sirius' Highly Unsirius and Inappropriate Best Man Speech"

Anybody got any good lines for that?

Picture of Lily's wedding dress to the side. I thought she'd be the kind of girl to just go with simple and elegant.

Ours To Hold- A Lily and James FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now